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​Induction Principles


The following principles for induction activity were revised in February 2015.


Induction at Edinburgh Napier should:-


1. Be a protected space in the academic calendar for induction and ongoing orientation which builds on pre-entry advice, guidance and relationships and with new students taking priority for timetabling purposes.


2. Assist our students in their transition to and through university which is tailored to meet the needs of diverse student groups at all stages (including direct entrants, international students, exchange students and late arrivals).


3. Aim to inspire, involve and enthuse our students as well as inform.


4. Set our students up to succeed.


5. Promote the social and academic integration of our students to support their engagement, wellbeing and development.


6. Clarify our students’ expectations of us and their responsibilities as students (in line with the Student Charter and the Campus & Classroom Conduct - Student Code).


7. Orientate our students by providing appropriate information, support, advice and opportunities.


8. Familiarise our students into the university environment, processes and procedures (but not all at once).



In addition:


9. School and Programme Leaders should own their students’ orientation at a programme level, working in partnership with NSA and the Professional Services.


10. Induction timetables should be owned by the School.


11. Programme focussed induction should provide a holistic view of the student experience.


12. We should commit to delivering those activities well and make things clear and simple for our students.