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​What is Curriculum Management?


Curriculum Management can mean many different things to many different people. This has been explored through consultations and will be developed through implementation of the project. The crux of what we are looking at is the lifecycle of our core university business – our provision offerings.


Provision is the term we are using to describe all university offerings such as courses/programmes/modules/short courses. Our Curriculum Management system/processes/roles and responsibilities will support the development, approval, operationalisation​, review, closure and archive of these provision.


The diagram below is a one-page view summarising what the project is looking at and to aid definition decisions and shape our implementation. The diagram works out from the programme lifecycle in the centre, the elements we will be considering at each stage and circle on the outside – the overall management system.


After an extensive requirement gathering at the end of 2019 the board took the decision to go to market to procure a Curriculum Management System. We appointed Akari as our Curriculum Management system supplier. Learn more about Akari here.


The system is one key element of our overall Curriculum Management and we will use the understanding of the system capabilities and options to maximise the benefit to the university.


Curriculum Management Stages of Process