Constitution of Academic Board
From 2024/25
Ex officio Members (10)
Principal & Vice-Chancellor (Convenor)
Vice Principals, not exceeding 3 in number (3)
Deans of School and the University (5)
Senior Officer Responsible for Student Administration & Support
Elected Student Members (4)
The President of Edinburgh Napier Students’ Association, or a Co-President of ENSA nominated by the President
Three students, from three different Schools, elected by ENSA (3)
Elected Staff Members (18)
Two members of academic staff elected by and from each School (10):
School of Arts & Creative Industries
Business School
School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment
School of Applied Sciences
School of Health & Social Care
Two members elected by and from the Professoriate (2)
Two members elected by and from the Associate Deans, Learning & Teaching (2)
Two members elected by and from the Associate Deans, Research (2)
Two members elected by and from the Senior Officers responsible for Quality Enhancement in each school (2)
In Attendance
Secretary to University Court
Senior Officer Responsible for Information Services
Clerk to the Academic Board
Any other officers, not exceeding 2 at any given meeting, as agreed by the Convenor
Approved by University Court 26 June 2023