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YOU ARE HERE: Skip Navigation LinksEdinburgh Napier Staff Intranet > Service Depts > Human Resources > Working at the University > Reorganisation, Redundancy and Redeployment

Reorganisation, Redundancy and Redeployment


This page provides quick access to relevant information relating to reorganisation, redundancy and redeployment. We understand that it can be difficult time and if you are looking for advice you can talk to your line manager, trade union representative or to staff in the HR Department. Alternatively, if you would like to speak in confidence to someone outwith the University, you can contact WorkPlace Options  on 0800 243 458 (24/7). WorkPlace Options is an independent and confidential service operating 24 hours a day which offers professional counselling, information services and debt management. They can provide support for both staff and managers.


Organisational Change Template​  - A blank copy of the organisational change template and a copy which includes notes can be found here.


Policies - A reference list of all the relevant University policies. Alternatively you can see all HR policies.


Redeployment Forms - This section has blank copies of the Redeployment form in Word 2003 and 2007 versions, a set of guidance notes to help with completing the form, and the Redeployment Additional Information Form which is required to be filled in for every vacancy applied for.  


Sources of Support - This can be used by all staff and by managers to support staff, and includes practical advice and guidance for anyone facing potential redundancy.  
