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Dear colleagues,
Email reduction Friday 28th April update
Thank you for those of you who have found it possible to participate in our monthly optional email reduction days. Friday 28th was the third email reduction Friday and we hope that for those of you participating, you have found some positive effects from the campaign.
At this half way point in the trial we are still receiving one key question that we felt it important to answer.
‘When is it acceptable to send an email or respond to an email on the email reduction days?’
We have developed some guidance for you:
·         This quick guidance document to assist you on your decisions to send or reply to emails on these days.
·         Some dos and don’ts guidance for you here. 
·         There is also wider and thorough information security email guidance documents on our Governance intranet pages here
We have had some great feedback from staff on thinking more about sending emails on these days, here’s just a few…
"I’ve really found it beneficial to the pace of my work, by getting up and going to talk to colleagues instead"
"I noticed a real correlation on email free Friday, I consciously didn’t send emails and I didn’t get as many back
The next email reduction day is on Friday may 26th, if you have any ideas or feedback you would like to share on how you make the day work for you or how your team have been adopting the campaign we would love to hear from you via the  HYH email address
Summer Social
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the most recent ‘Have you Heard’ questions. The team have reviewed your responses and suggestions for this year’s Staff Social and there were some clear preferences from the survey; which were:
·         75.5% of the respondents would like to keep the staff social on a Friday
·         The preference was the staff social should be held on a university campus and that the event should begin late afternoon into the early evening
·         62.3% of the respondents favoured a pub quiz over other activities
·         An overwhelming number of comments from respondents stated they wanted the event to be a ‘thank you’ from the University, with good food, drinks and the opportunity to socialise with colleagues.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and the organising team will communicate the details about this year’s Staff Social in the coming months.
If there is something that you would like to get staff to vote on please email Have you Heard. For more information about Have you Heard visit our Have you Heard intranet page.
Thank you for your continued feedback and questions