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Temporarily reducing hours

Can I take my pension and reduce my hours of work?

If you are thinking of reducing your hours of work and accessing some of your pension whilst you continue to work, this is called flexible retirement. You can apply for this, if you are willing to make a permanent change to your contract and you meet the eligibility criteria as outlined by the pension provider. If you have any questions regarding flexible retirement options, please contact Lee Conlan, Head of Reward.​

Will my workload reduce?

If you reduce your working hours, then your workload should reduce by a proportional amount. You will need to discuss this with your manager so that they can agree what elements of your current workload would need to be prioritised if you reduce your hours.

Increments & Cost of Living Increases

Any increments due to be paid or cost of living increases will be applied as normal and your salary will be adjusted based on your working hours.

What happens to my pension?

Your pension contributions and the employer’s pensions contributions will be adjusted accordingly based on your temporary hours of work. You are able to purchase additional voluntary pension contributions to mitigate against this or seek financial advice around the impact from Tilney or your own financial adviser.

Will I be able to return to my normal working hours?

After the period specified, you would return back to your normal working hours and pattern, or you can apply to make a permanent reduction in hours through the University’s Flexible Working Policy.

Will my holiday entitlement remain the same?

During the period of reduced hours, your holiday entitlement will be calculated on a pro-rata basis, based on your hours of work.