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It’s RIO survey season!


We care about your experiences here at Edinburgh Napier and that’s why we are looking for your feedback on what’s going well, and what areas we can improve on.


Every two years we take part in UK wide surveys aimed at gathering the opinions of our research community; from research students, contract research staff, through to those leading research teams and supervising.


These surveys help us to identify priority areas for us to focus on, with the results being shared with the Research and Innovation Committee and Research Degrees Committee, so that we can put improvements in place. We also feedback on what’s happening in response to the survey results via social media and other channels – have a look here for some of the changes for our Ph.D students after the last student survey in 2018.




The surveys will close on 17th May, and if you complete one of the surveys your details can be added into a prize draw to win Amazon vouchers as a thank you.


If you have any questions about the surveys get in touch with Grainne Barkess g.barkess@napier.ac.uk
