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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender + (LGBT+) Staff Role Models

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Our role models can be identified on the page below, and throughout the University by our role model logo.

Being a role model means different things to different people. Within Edinburgh Napier’s LGBT+ network, we align ourselves to one of the definitions of a role model provided by Stonewall:


“ A role model is aware of their potential to influence others and intentionally exercises that influence for the purpose of helping to create a more inclusive workplace”.
(Stonewall Scotland LGBT Role Models Programme, 2018)


Our LGBT+ role models work within Edinburgh Napier University and strive to make our workplace an inclusive environment for all. Our diverse range of role models provide support within the University community, enabling people to connect, as well as helping to create a culture which allows people of all sexualities and gender identities to thrive. In addition, our role models support challenges of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic behaviours.  


Our role models are active members of our network with LGBT+ lived experience and have committed to a personal development programme exploring what it means to be a role model. Our role models celebrate difference and encourage colleagues to join and celebrate our diverse University culture, creating a positive shared environment, which encourages both personal and professional development.


If you wish to know more about the network, or if you just want a friendly ear to talk to in confidence, please feel free to contact us using the confidential email address lgbt@napier.ac.uk.


Sam Abdulla

I am employed in a joint appointment between Edinburgh Napier University as a lecturer in Learning Disability Nursing and also as a community nurse for people with learning disabilities. I am passionate about creating inclusive communities using social media platforms, I co-created and manage a network of volunteers who use twitter to connect those working within the field of learning and intellectual disabilities across the world.

Click here to hear Sam's take on the LGBT+ Role Model training and how to use your own LGBT+ experience to help others.


Terezia Brunklaus

terezia.jpgI work in the Wellbeing and Inclusion Team and I head the Student Counselling and Wellbeing Services. Whilst b​eing relatively new to higher education, I have long term experience of working with Health Promotion and Mental Health in addiction settings, through counselling and psychotherapy practice and service management. Issues of diversity and inclusivity have always been very close to my heart both professionally and personally and I partake in internal as well as external LGBTI+ networks. I am originally from Sweden, with a pan European background (which includes Dutch and Hungarian roots). I have been in

Scotland since 1999 and I live in Edinburgh with my wife and daughter.

I am excited and heartened by Edinburg Napier University’s  LGBT+ network’s visibility and support and I am looking forward to continuing to be part of this group, which will allow us to move the LGBT+ inclusivity agenda forward.  

Bruce Harper-McDonald

I recently started as a lecturer in the School of Health and Social Care. My professional background as a nurse involved me working as an advanced nurse practitioner, district nurse/change nurse and I am extremely passionate about my profession with my still practising as a district nurse and currently leading research on work modelling in district nursing. I recently moved to Edinburgh from Aberdeen with my husband Ian and our dog Trixie. I am passionate about inclusive communities within society and the educational setting for staff and students. I am proud to be involved with the LGBT+ network to support visibility, promote the inclusivity agenda and role model for staff and students alike at Edinburgh Napier University.

Watch Bruce's Role Model video here​ as he shares his experience of the LGBT+ Role Model training.


Steve Yorkstone

My job is leading Business Improvement. I work to bring people together in order to make the work that we do simpler, easier, and better. I think that challenging all 'vectors of oppression and privilege' is for the good... and I believe reflection, humour and kindness can help us through this. In 2012, I started a network for colleagues across the sector working to improve their universities, and now this network runs events in Europe, the Americas, and Australasia. These experiences have taught me that by getting involved and taking the initiative, even in small ​ways, together we really can make a big difference. As part of the LGBT+ network I was trained as a Stonewall Role Model in 2017. Since then, with the support of Stonewall Scotland, I have helped roll out our own inhouse LGBT+ Role Model training.

Watch Steve's Role Model video here as he shares why it's important to be able to be your authentic self in your workplace.

Adam Satur

I’m a panromantic, gender-ambivalent, generally Queer-identifying person of mixed ethnicity working in School Support at Sighthill. I also have a history of depression and seizures. You will see me floating around draped in rainbows and flowers. Whether we have met or not, I am always happy to meet new people, whether you are struggling, just want to know a few more LGBTQIA+ people, or you have questions you want help answering. I am passionate about intersectionality of identities and experiences, such as disability, addiction, homelessness, mental illness and trauma, abuse survivors, veterans, ethnic and cultural diversity and neurodivergence. Whomever you are, I support you. Get in touch if I can help you or you just want a new pal!​ 

Watch Adam's Role Model video here to find out why they went through the Role Model training, how everyone is different, and why it's important to look after yourself first.

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