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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender + (LGBT+) Useful Links


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Useful links:

LGBT Helpline Scotland: helpline@lgbthealth.org.uk / 0300 123 2523 (Open Tuesday and Wednesday, 12pm - 9pm)

Stonewall definitions

Diversity Champions Calendar

LGBT History Month

Workplace Equality Index

UK student mental health charity Student Minds

Articles of interest:

LGBT and mental illness 

Stonewall has released a series of short films that explore the daily reality for trans people, and why reform is so desperately needed.


Shelf Help:

Shelf Help is a collection of self-help literature, videos, apps, and music at Edinburgh Napier University. There is good clinical evidence that self-help books can support people in understanding and managing common conditions (stress, depression etc.) and stressors (struggles with identity, relationships etc.). The recommended resources have been chosen in consultation with students, the Student Wellbeing and Inclusion team, and Librarians. Any additional recommendations gratefully received. Happy reading! 

Contact Laura Ennis for more information.

