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Research Process: Applying for external funding


School approvals for/and submission of proposal to funder


3. School approval to submit proposal to funder

  • Click on submit for approval.
  • Add any additional information in the text box for the reviewer which they may need to consider
  • The proposal will then be reviewed by the RIO pre-award approver. This is the school Research and Innovation Manager or Business Engagement Manager looking after your project. They will check the project details, benefits, ethics, risks and proposal documentation.
  • The RIO approver will then
    • return the project for you to add further information and development or
    • approve the project for review by the school Director of Research.
  • The Director of Research will review all the project details and approve or return for amendment. They will also accept the management of any medium risks identified by RIO
  • For projects with a red risk, cost to HEI of over £500K, or contribution to overheads -£20K or more the project will go to Alistair Sambell for review on behalf of ULT.
  • Once the project has been approved the status will change to Bid Submission

4a. Submitting proposal to funder (Research)

  • Depending on the funder there may be RIO/institutional approval of the actual proposal by physical signature or by approval on an electronic grants management system.
  • You will also need to ensure there is time for this approval after/simultaneously to the Worktribe approval. RIO/institutional approval of applications forms will only occur after the proposal has been approved on Worktribe by the Director of Research
  • Common funders which require physical signature include the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, CSO
    • For these proposals contact your Research and Innovation Manager who can arrange the signatures.
    • Once signed you can submit to the funder and upload a copy of the submitted proposal to Worktribe. Please also notify the Research and Innovation Manager who will update the record, marking the proposal as submitted and adding the submitted date (if different from status change)
  • Common Electronic grants submission systems which requires RIO approval after you submit include Je-S (RCUK), eGAP2 (British Academy), Flexi-grant (Royal Society), Grant tracker (Wellcome trust, Leverhulme trust and various Medical Charities).
    • For these proposals upload all the information and submit
    • This will notify RIO who will log in, check all the details and submit to the funder (or return to you for amendment)
    • The Research and Innovation Manager will upload the proposal to Worktribe, mark as submitted and add the submitted date to the record (if different from status change)
  • ​​​​

4b. Submitting proposal to funder (Commercial)

  • Commercial projects may or may not have a proposal to submit to the funder. Tenders will have a proposal/tender document, but consultancy is likely to only have a schedule of work which will form part of the contract
  • If there is a proposal which is required to be submitted to the funder please follow the process as for research proposals, but liaise with your Business Engagement Manager
  • For projects which have no proposal to be submitted then the Business Engagement Manager will mark the project as submitted and initiate the contract negotiation with the assistance of the RIO contracts officer.

5. Bid awaiting response


Research process: Funder notification and award set up >>
