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Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers ONLINE (split session)


Event Date: 12th June 2024

Event Times: 14:30 - 16:30

Venue: MS Teams

Lead Facilitator:


Provider Details: Learning and Development, learninganddevelopment@napier.ac.uk

Event Description:
Learning supplier: Mental Health UK

This is a four-hour session split over two weeks. Please make sure that you can commit to completing both parts of this session. Part 2 will take place one week after Part 1.

*** Once you enroll onto part 1 YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED ONTO PART 2 ***

The session will cover five learning objectives:

1) What is mental health? (managers will learn about mental health as something we all have and evaluate the impact of stigma on society’s attitudes to mental health)
2) What is mental illness? (managers will learn about some common and less common mental illnesses and their possible signs and symptoms)
3) Mental illness in the workplace: How can managers respond? (managers will learn to identify where employees might struggle with their mental health and list practical measures they might take to reduce this)
4) Supportive conversations (managers will learn how to have a supportive conversation with a colleague who is experiencing poor mental health)
5) Your wellbeing (managers will learn how to describe what wellbeing looks like for them and identify ways to proactively look after it)

Who should take this course?
A valuable course for all Managers to attend to gain a good understanding of mental health concerns and how they can support their team. The course also touches on the legal requirement around employee health and wellbeing and the expectation of managers.

Further information on HRConnect or by contacting event provider.

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