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Background to Curriculum Management

The higher education environment is changing rapidly. Our students and our provision are increasingly diverse.

We are already trying to manage hugely complex provision, with multiple entry and exit routes, high levels of choice, different modes and locations of delivery, alongside short courses, credit & non-credit-bearing

The direction of movement is towards greater complexity; with online delivery, condensed provisions, growth in apprenticeships and partnerships, and increased articulation targets. 

The complexity of our provision information also has significant ramifications to the university’s fee arrangements.​

Our Curriculum Management environment allows us to move ahead and deliver credit- and non-credit-bearing provisions and courses that are fit for the future; in terms of our ability to design new provisions, refresh and reinvigorate existing provisions, and to support our students and staff during provision implementation. 

Curriculum Management brings a step change in our understanding of our portfolio of provision making it easier to manage and grow in the future. 

This places us in a very strong position to support innovation in provision design and delivery that meets the needs of an ever changing environment. 
