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samillingworth02.jpgDr Sam Illingworth

Associate Professor: Learning and Teaching

Academic Practice Contact​ for the School of Health & Social Care. 

Sighthill 7.B.17
t: (0131) 455 xxxx
e: s.illingworth@napier.ac.uk


I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement with internationally recognised expertise in higher education, interdisciplinary studies, and science communication. My research concerns the use of poetry and games as creative pedagogies to help address issues of staff and student wellbeing and belonging. My work also uses poetry and games to help develop meaningful dialogues between different groups of people and to help platform the voices of marginalised communities.

In my current role I help to embed innovative and engaging pedagogy across the University, as part of the Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement and the Centre for Higher Education Research. I also help to lead on the L&T ENssentials CPD.  If you are interested in finding out more about either developing your practice or scholarship in learning and teaching then please get in touch as I would love to talk to you. ​


