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​​The University Research Integrity Committee


The University Research Integrity Committee oversees governance policies, procedures and practices across the University.


Please contact the clerk should you have a query or issue concerning research Integrity.


School Research Integrity Leads 

Approval for ethics applications is devolved to school level. For more information regarding procedures related to your associated school, please contact your School Research Integrity Lead:


Business School: Janice McMillan, j.mcmillan@napier.ac.uk​
SAS: Dr Shane Horgan, S.Horgan2@napier.ac.uk 
SHSC: Dr Coral Hanson, c.hanson@napier.ac.uk
SCEBE: Dr Lina Khaddour, L.Khaddour@napier.ac.uk ​
SACI: Dr Stevie Marsden, S.Marsden@napier.ac.uk

DLTE​​: Dr Louise Drumm, L.Drumm@napier.ac.uk

Cross University Ethical Approval Process


Cross University applications
For collaborative applications between multiple schools (including DLTE) applications should be created in Worktribe by project lead. The application will then be sent to their School Committee in Worktribe. When the committee requires discipline specific review from the other School(s) the committee convenor contacts the other school ethics convenor(s) to identify suitable potential reviewers from their committee.


The main committee convenor selects these reviewers on the review tab. Review is completed in the usual way.


Escalated applications
If a school has an application which is deemed to be too risky or they can't make a decision due to lack of expertise in the area this can be escalated to the university research integrity committee for consideration.


Timescale for application review





Application to be reviewed

2 weeks



Within 2 weeks

Changes to be highlighted by applicant

Final Approval

Within 1 week


Overall time scale for Approval

3-4 weeks

