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Liz Young PhotoLiz Young


Supporting Statement (May 2011)


Dear Colleagues,

I would like you to give me your vote in the coming election for a Non Academic Staff Member of the Court of Edinburgh Napier University.


I have been a member of staff at the University for over 14 years, employed as Head of Health & Safety. My role allows me to work all over the University and work closely with large numbers of both academic and non-academic staff as well as students in all the various schools and services throughout the University.


This has allowed me to network and build up many good working relationships with a diverse range of staff and collectively these skills would be very important when working within the University Court.


I have experience on various University Committees such as:

Health & Safety; Health & Wellbeing; and Risk, Resilience & Audit Monitoring Committees. I also regularly attend various meetings throughout the University including Campus User Groups and Faculty / School / Service meetings.


In addition I am a member of the Scottish Chamber of Safety, chair of the IOSH Edinburgh Branch and Vice Chair of Lothian and Borders Fire Prevention Association and, in a former job role, I was the Staff Representative on the Board of Management at Stevenson College.


I believe all this experience and knowledge will be of great benefit and give me a strong understanding of the issues and of all the operational aspects affecting non-academic staff and how these can be affected by decisions taken by higher-level committees.


I am honest, straightforward and down to earth and if you vote for me your vote will count.


Thank you for taking the time to read this statement and I hope that you are able to support me in the election



