At the meeting of the University's governing body, the University Court on 25 March 2024, Court:
- Received a report from the Nominations Committee updating on the appointment process for the next Principal and Vice Chancellor.
- Received a report on the University's environmental sustainability progress.
- Received a presentation on the results of the 'Your Voice' colleague pulse survey and progress with colleague engagement survey actions.
- Received an update on the international student recruitment environment and actions being taken to address the challenges.
- Received an update on the University's current financial position and outlook for the next financial year.
- Noted the outcome of the University's Quality Enhancement and Standards Review.
- Noted an update report on actions taken to improve student retention.
- Noted the ENSA annual report and accounts.
- Approved amendments to the Court Schedule of Delegated Financial Authority.
- Noted the Top Risks monitoring report.
- Noted the annual report on the handling of complaints.
- Noted the minutes of Academic Board, Finance and Property Committee and Audit & Risk Committee.
Approved minutes of Court meetings are available here.
Open minutes of the March 2024 meeting will be published after their approval at the June 2024 meeting.