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​​​​​​​Introducing Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE)

Edinburgh Napier's Research, Innovati​​​on and Enterprise (RIE) department supports the full research journey a​​nd research planning process​ at the university – from helping our researchers find funding and writing proposals, through to managing projects​, communicating results, and supporting a wide range of knowledge exchange activities.

We are also increasingly active in business engagement and partnership building, supporting the development and launch of spin-out and start-up companies, and through our exciting new Innovation Hub and the establishment of our various​​ Research Centres, we are enabling more and more ENU researchers to conn​ect with a wide range of industries and sectors and access funding opportunities to help power our activities to​ deliver real-world impacts and benefits for a range of local, national and global communities and stakeholders.​

RIE Leadership

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The RIE department is led by Professor Nick Antonopoulos, and with the wide scope of the deparment, has two heads of the department:

Our Research, Innovation and Enterprise Teams

We have a number of teams within our Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) department who are responsible to support various stages of your research and innovation journey. Please visit the links below for contact information and to find more about each team's services and support they can offer you.​

Researcher Dev Team.jpgResearch Information Management Team.jpg​ Research Degrees.jpg REF Team.jpg Research Funding Managers.jpgResearch Info Team.jpg business engagement team.jpgBRT Team April2023.jpg

Download this PDF to view a full department organisation chart >​​​​

​Our Leadership Team

Our RIE team works with academic leads across the five Schools and Research Centres in key research, innovation and enterprise areas, ensuring there is close collaboration between RIE and the academic community. 

​Our Research, Innovation and Enterprise Leadership includes:

  • ​​Deans of Schools

  • ​School Heads of Research

  • ​​​School Innovation and Enterprise Leads ​

  • ​University Heads of Research

  • ​Research Theme Coordinators 

  • Research Centre Leads

For a full listing of our current academic research​ leads, please visit our Leadership Team page.


General Enquiries

question mark.pngFor all general enquiries or if you are uncertain who is best to contact, please get in touch with our general support staff who will be very glad to help:

Our RIE mailbox: RIE@napier.ac.uk​

RIE AdministratorAngela McNaughton - a.mcnaughton@napier.ac.uk

RIE AssistantSandra Reid - s.reid@napier.ac.uk

Business Engagement and Communications (Research, Innovation & Enterprise)

We have a number of research and innovation communications channels where we share our latest news about our research updates, funding opportunities, recent successes, forthcoming events and more. 

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If you have a story to tell, please get in touch with us! 

Business Engagement and Communications Manager: Aoife O'Sullivan – a.osullivan@napier.ac.uk


Follow us: LinkedInTwitterInstagram

lightbulb 128.pngLearn more about how Edinburgh Napier is making a difference to business, society and the environment through our latest case studies, by visiting our Innovation Hub today! >


​Bright Red Triangle

Bright Red Triangle is Edinburgh Napier University's enterprise hub, supporting a community of staff, students and alumni to develop enterprise skills, increase entrepreneurial activity and capture opportunities.

If you have an enterprising idea for a new business that is not related to your employment at the University, was not derived from University research but which you wish to develop, you should contact the entrepreneurial support team, Bright Red Triangle.

Our address

Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE)

Edinburgh Napier University
​Room D42, Merchiston Campus
10 Colinton Road
Edinburgh EH10 5DT


Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 

Edinburgh Napier University
Floor 7 (7.B.14), Sighthill Campus 

9 Sighthill Court


EH11 4BN

Email: RIE@napier.ac.uk

Web: Innovation Hub (napier.ac.uk)

RIE Blog: http://blogs.napier.ac.uk/rie
