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​Academic Integrity 

Each School has Senior Academic Integrity Officer(s) who are members of academic staff who can assist colleagues who suspect an assessment subm​ission they have received from a student may be a breach to the academic Integrity Regulations (plagiarism, collusion, cheating, falsification/fabrication, personation or bribery, artificial intelligence (AI) content generation or writing assistance tools.


Any member of staff with such suspicions should contact a School AIO at the earliest possible opportunity and, ideally, well before the assessment is considered by a Programme Assessment Board.


For advice on how to refer suspected breaches of the Academic Integrity Regulations and how to detect the signs, please contact a School AIO Mailboxes


Please see below for School Academic Integrity Mailboxes:​

​Applied Sciences
Arts & Creative Industriessaciacademicintegrity@napier.ac.uk
Computing, Engineering and the Built EnvironmentSCEBEAcademicIntegrity@napier.ac.uk
Health and Social Care
The Business School

Senior Academic Integrity Officers


Jamie Buchan
Applied Sciences​J.Buchan@napier.ac.uk
Alek Kocic
Arts & Creative IndustriesA.Kocic@napier.ac.uk
Petra LeimichComputing, Engineering and the Built EnvironmentP.Leimich@napier.ac.uk
Mandy GentlemanHealth & Social CareM.Gentleman@napier.ac.uk
​Patrick Harte
​The Business School


Referral to Integrity Committees


In cases of more serious breaches of University Academic Integrity regulations, a student may be, where applicable, referred to a University Academic Integrity Committee (UAIC). These committees will hear the case against the student and, if the allegations are proven, will impose a suitable penalty.


Students who are asked to appear before the University Academic Integrity Committee (UAIC) committee are recommended to seek representation from ENSA and staff should advise students in this situation to seek this advice.

