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​​​Digital Skills


The Digital Discovery Tool was developed by Jisc as an empowering first step for users to reflect on their digital capabilities.  
It is a developmental tool with an online questionnaire for self-evaluating your digital capabilities, allowing you to identify strengths and opportunities for development, with links to resources to help. 
There are question sets for both students and staff, in different roles and subject areas. 

New in 2024: New question set for staff​ - Digital skills in AI and Generative AI (direct link). Try it out!

After answering a series of questions, you will receive a personalised report which includes: 

  • An overview of your digital profile and confidence levels 
  • Suggested actions to take 
  • Links to useful resources, which will support the development of each individual capability. 


Getting started 


To log in, choose Edinburgh Napier University from the drop-down list of institutions and log in using your usual University login and password.  

The first time you log in, you will be asked to create an account. 
Choose Discovery tool for staff > Question sets and reports for staff. Then you’ll see different question sets for staff. All are designed to further understanding rather than test knowledge. 

We recommend that all staff start by completing the Overall digital capabilities question set. 

You can also complete other question sets, which allow you to explore your digital capabilities around Accessibility and Inclusion and Effective online teaching, or more specific options for FE, HE and Library and Learning Resources staff

For more information, see Digital Discovery Tool - Staff Guide​.

How can we use the Digital Discovery Tool? 

The Digital Discovery Tool can be used by staff and students as a stand-alone tool, or in class contexts for discussion around skill development.  
For managers, it can be helpful for MyDevelopment/My Career conversations around developing digital skills. The individual owner of the report can choose to share information from the report to help provide context for these conversations. 

Do you want to share the AI question set with your students?

Where does the Digital Discovery Tool come from? 

The Discovery Tool was developed by Jisc, and follows the six elements of digital capability in the JISC Digital Capability Framework



Your responses to the questions and your report are private, unless you choose to share them. 

This is a self-administered questionnaire, and you will be providing your information directly to Jisc, who will subsequently provide the University with an anonymous dataset to enable us to analyse learning and development requirements, and provide learning resources, as necessary. The Building Digital Capability Privacy Policy​ is provided to users when you first log into the discovery tool.

Jisc provide the following information:

Only you can see how you assess yourself, and only you can read your personal report unless you choose to share it. Jisc will provide your institution with anonymised information about the number of people who have used the discovery tool, and how they have assessed themselves, but this information can never be traced back to you.

We use your data, as described in our standard privacy notice, to provide the service you’ve requested, as well as to identify problems or ways to make the service better. We’ll share this information with Potential.ly and Overt Software Solutions so they can process the data on our behalf; our contract prohibits them from using the information for anything else. If you are eligible and wish to obtain a Digital badge your name and email address will be shared with Credly who produce them; our contract prohibits them from using the information for anything else. Your data will be shared by Jisc in an anonymised way, enabling us to produce institutional reports with aggregated data only. If your organisation subscribes to the Jisc building digital capability service we’ll keep your data for the duration of the subscription to ensure you can access any reports you have generated during that time. Your personal data will be kept for up to a maximum of 24 months after you last logged in to the service. You may instruct us to stop processing it at any time by emailing help@jisc.ac.uk​ with ‘Digital capability discovery tool stop’ in the title.​ ​
