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Forms, Guidance and Policies

The documents listed below are organised first by section then, within each section, into forms and information/guidance documents. We have included a brief description about each document however you should contact the relevant section should you have any further query.


Annual Statutory Accounts

Link Document Name Version


Anuual Statutory Accounts


The annual statutory accounts for th​e University and NUVL are available for download in PDF format.


​University Finance System (Agresso)

Link Document Name Version

Commercial Account Application


Form to be completed for all new customers requiring a credit account with the University.​

New Folder / Amendment


Form to be completed to have a new folder setup or to have an existing one amended or closed.​​

Web Reporting Access


Form to be completed to request access to Agresso Web Reporting for a new user.

Financial Accounting

Link Document Name Version

Commercial Project Proposal Form


Complete and submit this form for commercial projects such as consultancy, CPD and contract research.

Non Commercial Project Proposal Form


Complete and submit this form for other Non-Commercial projects such as Interreg, ERDF and Academic Conferences.

European Funded Projects: Finanical Compliance Policy


Outline the support available to projects and the steps which all Principal Investigators and Project Teams must take when develiping European funded proposals and executing successfully funded projects.

European Funded Projects: Definitions & Guidance


Offering guidance on externally funded income streams from research, commercialisation and knowledge transter type activities.

Financial Regulations & Policies

Link Document Name Version

Accounting Policy


Statement of the University's principal accounting policies.

Anti Money Laundering Policy


Sets out the procedure to be followed if money laundering is supected, defining the responsibility of individual employees in the process.

Bribery Act Policy Statement


The University's policy statement concerning the Bribery Act 2010. Reviewed and links updated Jan 2024

Financial and Management Control Framework


Defining the financial and management control framework approved by the Principal and a value for money strategy approved by the Audit Committee on behalf of the University Court.

Finanace Regulations


Sets out the University's Financial Regulations, with links to the University's policies relating to financial management and control, and to guidance on the practical application of the policies.

Fraud Policy


This University policy encourages staff to be aware of fraud, bring suspected fraud to notice and provide a framework response plan for investigating and reporting fraud.

Schedule of Delegation


Links to the University Secretary's Office site containing the definition of how the University Court delegates its powers to ensure the orderly conduct of the business of the University in a timely and efficient manner.

Treasury Management Policy


Define the University's treasury management policies to provide effective control of the risks associated with University cash flows. banking, money market and capital market transactions, allowing optimum performance consistent with those risks.

Tuition Fee Policy


This document details the terms conditions and the processes that will be undertaken by the Crdit Control team in managing the non-payment of Fees, Accommodation and Library.


Link Document Name Version

Cardholder Data and PDQ Monthly Checklist


Checklist for departments to complete and save to show compliance with PCI DSS regulations.

Cardholder Data and PDQ Offsite Checklist


Checklist for data in transit (out of normal operational activity EG: Graduation Ceremony) to complete and save to show compliance with PCI DSS regulations.

Debit/Credit Card Use and Storage Security Guidance


This policy document covers all aspects of security surrounding the use of credit/debit card machines and confidential University information and must be distributed to all employees and adhered to within each University outlet that uses PDSs/Card terminals.

Incidence Response Plan


Outlines procedures that must be followed if a compomise is suspected.

Outlet Quick Reference Guide to PCI DSS


Quick reference guide outlining the processes to follow in order to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) as well as good business practices related to the handling of credit/debit card  information for outlets/schools/services that use and take credit/debit card payments either in person (Cardholder present) or over the telephone (Cardholder not present).

PCI DSS Glossary


Glossary of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used by PCI DSS


Link Document Name Version

New Supplier Form


To request the addition of a new supplier to the Agresso finance system, email this form to the supplier to complete. Once you receive the completed form, please review to ensure it meets the guidelines noted at the top of the form. Email the completed form to procurement@napier.ac.uk and include a copy of company letter headed paper with bank details. On reciept of a vaild form, you can expect email confirmation within 5 working days that the new supplier has been added to the Agresso finance system.

Amazon Business Order Guide


Amazon Business - Order Guide


Procurement Terms & Conditions

Procurement Terms & Conditions.

Procurement Thresholds

​Procurement Thresholds.

Procurement Timelines

​Standard Procurement Timelines.

Procurement Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities of Procurement Function, Procurement Manager and End User/Customer

Purchase Request Form - User Guide

​This user guide details how to complete a Purchase Request Form within Unit4 ERP

Purchase Request Form - Approver User Guide

​Guide to explain how to approve a Purchase Request Form.

Requisition Status Guide

Guide to explain how to check the status of your requisition and find out which stage it is at in the Agresso approvals work.

Requisitioning Guide

​​Explains how to process requisitions and goods received notices in Agresso Procurement.

Single Source Justification £5k to £12.5k Note

Guidance on completing a Single Source Justification Form.

Single Source Justification £5k to £12.5k form


SSJ Form for use between £5k and £12.5k where only one quote obtained.

Treasury & Transactions

Link Document Name Version

Credit Note Request


For a Credit Note please complete and submit this form to Sales Ledger

Expense Claim for Externals (Fin4)


Claim form to request reimbursement of travel expenses for those external to the University.

Foreign Payment Request (Fin6)


This from enables University staff to request payment in a foreign currency or where the receiving bank is non UK, although a bank to bank transfer is more secure and the University preferred method.

GBP Funds Requisition (FIN5)


A University Purchase Card should be used when purchasing goods and services, however this form may be used by staff to claim very "low value" out of pocket expenses. All original receipts must be attached (photocopies are NOT acceptable).​

Sales Invoice Request


For a Sales Invoices please compete and submit this form to Sales Ledger.

Staff Attending Course/Conference


Claims are now made via Agresso, please click the link to be taken to the Agresso log in page.

Overseas Subsistence Daily Rates for Expenses


All overseas subsistence expenses will be reimbursed up the the maximum daily amount permitted by HMRC. The maximum daily amounts vary by country and city and, in the USA, by state.

PO Number Required to Insure Invoice is Raised


The companies listed require a purchase order number on any invoice so, to insure you invoice is raised, this MUST be included on your invoice request. Please note this list is subject to change so you should always refer to the document online.

Receipt of Monies Guidance


Details the terms and conditions under which monies received into Edinburgh Napier University is managed and banked.

Treasury Management Policy


Defines the Univesity's treasury management policies to provide effective control of the risks associated with University cash flows, banking, money maket and capital market transactions, allowing optimum performance consistent with those risks.

Travel Expenses User Guide


Explains the new expense claims procedure to be folllowed as of the announcement in April 2021.

Travel Policy FAQs

May 2018

The FAQs have been drafted to assist in answering frequently asked questions relating to the reimbursement of expenses in the University Trael & Expenses Policy.​


Finance Home Page
Finance Home

Last Updated 07/March/2024 13:30