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We support Edinburgh Napier University’s ambition to deliver high quality education and enhance the students experience by providing timely insight and analysis to influence decision-making by senior management teams within the University

We do this by:

Evaluating the student experience at Edinburgh Napier through a range of methods and are responsible for managing key student feedback mechanisms and analysing findings. We support schools to make best use of their student feedback and produce actionable plans based on the results.  The surveys managed by our team include:

  • Module Evaluation Survey
  • National Student Survey
  • Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey
  • Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 
  • Graduate Outcomes Survey
  • Ad hoc surveys covering various aspects of the student experience 

Leading on a programme of insightful market intelligence focussed on corporate priorities by:

  • providing benchmarking data and detailed analysis of research to support the University’s strategic ambitions and priorities
  • analysing various data sources to provide actionable insight that will shape the academic portfolio


Nicola Kivlichan - Head of Market & Student Intelligence
