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​​UCAS Results Embargo​

Awarding organisations such as the SQA have an agreement to let UCAS receive exam results before their publication date to students. This allows UCAS to transmit the results to Universities to allow them to assess whether applicants have met the academic conditions set of them.

During this time the results information is under STRICT embargo. This means the University must take stringent measures to minimise the risk of applicants inadvertently being advised of their results. A break of the embargo would include:
  • ​Revealing to a student by a staff member or via an automatic email that a student’s place had been confirmed or rejected. 
  • The release of accommodation information to applicants which would suggest to a student that they had met their conditions
  • Any form of communication to an applicant indicating or implying the outcome of their application.
To minimise the risk of an embargo breach, the University restricts access to key systems during the embargo period. This includes restricted access to SITS and limitations placed on other systems e.g. accommodation application system and the Student Recruitment CRM system. 

There are two embargo periods for 2024 to cover both SQA and GCE A Level results:
  • ​SQA results embargo – 18:00 Monday 29 July to 09:00 Tuesday 6 August
  • JCQ results embargo – 14:00 Friday 9 August to 08:00 Thursday 15 August
Any staff member who issues communications or has contact with prospective students is encouraged to undertake UCAS results embargo training which is available here

Only essential use of SITS will be granted during this period and those with access MUST have completed the UCAS Embargo Training.

Should you believe there has been a potential breach of the embargo either to an individual student or a group of students please contact Katy Caudrey​, Head of Admissions (K.Caudrey@napier.ac.uk) immediately to ensure that appropriate action is taken.