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​​​​​Outgoing​ Mobility​


The Global Mobility Team (GMT) currently sends out approximately 200 students on study exchange each academic year.  For some students this is a compulsory component of their degree programme (International Business Management & Digital Media Global) and for others it is an optional part of their ENU programme. Traditional exchanges are normally undertaken in the second or third year of undergraduate study. 

GMT offers a full academic year or trimester-only exchanges. When students can go on exchange, and for how long will be specified by each ENU Programme structure. Students are expected to complete and pass a full equivalent course load whilst on exchange, because their time abroad counts towards their Edinburgh Napier degree classification (if undertaking exchange in third year) and results from studies completed at the host Institution are brought back and converted into Edinburgh Napier credit. 


Our Exchange Programmes

European Exchanges 

The UK government has taken the decision not to stay in the Erasmus+ programme following UK withdrawal from the EU, therefore the University will NOT be operating the Erasmus+ programme any longer though European exchanges will continue under alternative reciprocal partnership arrangements. Subject to funding approval, ENU may be able to provide some funding for eligible placements under the UK Government’s Turing scheme. Currently the GMT sends out approximately 120 students on a European exchange every year. The University has established more than 60 reciprocal exchange agreements with 40 European partner universities.  


Overseas Exchange

The Global Mobility team also have responsibility for managing outward student mobility outside Europe. Our main non-European destinations are Australia, USA, Canada, and New Zealand.

Exchange opportunities through the Overseas Exchange:

  • Direct Partner Exchanges are based on agreements made between us and the partner university, with each institution deciding how many students we can send between our respective institutions to each other every year
  • International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). The ISEP network is the largest global community for study abroad offering exchanges at more than 300 universities


The Turing Scheme

In December 2020, the UK government announced the launch of the new Turing Scheme. Turing is expected to be the primary programme for outward student mobility. The government wants the scheme to be international in focus rather than being focused solely on Europe. 

Please note – the rates and information below are indicative only and subject to ENU receiving the Turing funding requested. Please contact the GMT if you have any questions about Turing eligibility or grant rates.

An amount of funding will be provided to contribute towards the general cost of living for each participant. Destination countries are grouped into three categories: Group 1 (high cost of living), Group 2 (medium cost of living), Group 3 (lower cost of living). To find details of which countries are listed in each group, visit cost of living groups pa​​​​​​​​ge.

Students will receive:

1. For placements lasting between 4 and 8 weeks:

- Group 1 destinations: £545 per month

- Group 2 and 3 destinations: £480

2. For placements lasting over eight weeks:

- Group 1 destinations: £380 per month

- Group 2 and 3 destinations: £335 per month

Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds will receive a higher cost of living grant:

1. For placements lasting between 4 and 8 weeks:

- Group 1 destinations: £654 per month

- Group 2 and 3 destinations: £590 per month

2. For placements lasting over eight weeks:

- Group 1 destinations: £490 per month

- Group 2 and 3 destinations: £445 per month

Costs of travel ONLY for participants from a disadvantaged background. This will be dependent on distance between the home and destination organisation and will support the cost of the round trip. All amounts available have been outlined below:

  • 10 to 99km: £20
  • 100 to 499km: £165
  • 500 to 1,999km: £250
  • 2,000 to 2,999km: £325
  • 3,000 to 3,999km: £480
  • 4,000 to 7,999km: £745
  • 8,000 to 12,000km: £905
  • 12,000km+: £1,360

Promoting exchange opportunities

Making students aware at an early stage of the exchange opportunities available is key to ensuring that they are well informed and well prepared. The Global Mobility Team participates in several events aimed at prospective ENU students (Open Days, Applicant Days, etc). For current students, GMT runs a series of promotional sessions every academic year with the main annual event ‘Exchange Fest’ delivered in trimester 1, ahead of the main study abroad application round opening. Student exchanges are academic activities, so it is helpful to have colleagues in the Schools take opportunities to assist with promotion and support their students with their aspirations to study abroad (where possible). The GMT should be included (on request) within Welcome Week timetables for each School. We may be available to attend any information sessions Programme Leaders/Lecturers are holding throughout the year. Contact Global Mobility team to request our involvement.


As a starting point, the study abroad presentation template can be downloaded from the Resources section on this website. It is a general overview to get students thinking about where they would like to go and encouraging them to start researching the different opportunities. There are various promotional leaflets available for distribution to students or for display in School offices and the iPoints.  Please get in touch with the team if you would like some of these to be delivered to you.

Advising interested students

Students interested in an exchange should be directed to the MyNapier Study Abroad pages where there is a lot of useful information. For further information not covered in MyNapier, students should be directed to the Global Mobility team for any non-academic matters regarding student exchange. 


No student is permitted to undertake a trimester or year abroad unless they have the approval of their Programme Leader and it is therefore imperative that the Programme Leader approves the student's initial application form.


Programme Leaders should be aware that an exchange may not be for everyone, therefore we would ask that Programme Leaders take the time to assess a student's suitability for participating in an exchange programme and are encouraged to use the following criteria as a checklist:

* Course compatibility at the chosen destination. Students are asked to research possible modules at an early stage when considering potential destination; it is essential that the PL/ASAA is happy with the academic match as the credit achieved while studying overseas will count as an integral part of the student’s Edinburgh Napier University degree.


* Academic performance - a student who is struggling at home may find their difficulties exacerbated while abroad.  Students are not normally permitted to go on exchange if they have not passed all of the modules in the period leading up to their exchange.  If you wish to give approval subject to improved academic performance, please email the Global Mobility team at studyabroad@napier.ac.uk to let us know.


* Attendance record and suitability as an ambassador for Edinburgh Napier - we should be confident that the student will enhance the reputation of the university while at our partner institution.


* The reasons for going on exchange.  What is the student’s motivation?  Have they thought through the implications, e.g. academic, financial, semester dates (which may be very different to ours)?

Prior to exchange period

One of the most crucial documents that a student must complete when on exchange is the Learning Agreement which the Global Mobility team will issue to them. This is where students list the modules they plan on taking when studying abroad so it is critical that Programme Leaders input into this and state their approval by signing the form. We strongly encourage PLs to speak to students prior to their departure to ensure students are aware of the expectations on them and know what sort of modules they are encouraged to study. 


The Global Mobility team will offer all outgoing students a pre-departure session (Get Ready 2 Go) and this is another opportunity for students to ask any questions. When on exchange, the Global Mobility team are in contact with students to ensure that everything is going well and to check that the relevant paperwork is completed.  Programme Leaders and personal Development Tutors are also encouraged to maintain contact with students via email during their exchange to check on their progress.

After the exchange period

Once the exchange period is complete, the transcripts of Edinburgh Napier students will be sent directly to the Global Mobility team who will load them to the students evision account which PLs and Conversion officers are able to access and monitor in real time.

Please note that semester dates are often different in the host countries so there is a strong chance that you will not receive the transcript from an outgoing exchange student in time for the first round of Edinburgh Napier Programme Boards.  Please be assured that as soon as the transcripts arrive at the University, the Global Mobility team who will load them to the students evision account which PLs and Conversion officers are able to access and monitor in real time.


Application process

The deadline for submitting the initial Study Abroad application is mid-November, regardless of whether the exchange is in Tri 1 or Tri 2, and whether within Europe or Overseas. By this date students must have completed an application form including possible module choices for the period abroad, and it must have been formally approved by their Programme Leader or designated Academic Study Abroad Adviser (PL/ASAA).

Relevant staff are sent instructions on this process, which is completed online. Once complete, the application is forwarded automatically to the Global Mobility team for consideration.  Students will be informed of the outcome in February.

The Global Mobility team can direct students to the relevant course catalogue and advise on the number of credits needed, but we are not permitted to advise on the appropriateness of modules i.e. content and learning outcomes – advice on this must come from academic staff.

Students should be encouraged to visit the relevant Application page on myNapier where they will find information on the new online application process.


For your interest, we have created a brief video to talk you through the student interface so that you are familiar with the various parts of the form.

Programme Leaders' responsibilities when supporting a student who is submitting a Study Abroad application form

  • When one of your students submits their application, you will receive an email asking you to log in to the system (adminstudyabroad.napier.ac.uk) with your regular University login details and review the application. 


  • ​If you are happy with a student’s application, notably the modules they are proposing to take when overseas and that the student has a sound academic record to date* then click the ‘Approve’ button. The student will then receive a notification that the form has been forwarded to the Global Mobility Team for consideration. (NB Your approval indicates that you are happy with the academic side of the student’s proposed study abroad destination(s); we, in the Global Mobility Team, will then look at all approved applications collectively and allocate students to study destination).

  • If you do not approve the application then click ‘Reject’ button. The system will allow you to write a message to individual students advising teh reasion for teh rejection; or, asking them to make any changes and re-submit the form (if appropriate). If following the resubmission you are happy with the changes made you will be able to approve the form as described above.

Programme Leader FAQs

What do I need to check?

The key things you need to ascertain before approving students’ choices are:

  • Are the modules your student plans to take while on exchange broadly equivalent to what they will be missing at Edinburgh Napier (level, content, learning outcomes etc)?
  • In particular, do they correlate to any compulsory modules the student would be required to take if they stayed at home?  
  • ​Do the chosen modules avoid duplication with any your student has already done/will be taking later?
  • Will the selected modules offer sufficient total credits (see below)? 


Where can I find module information for the institutions abroad?

Students should come to you with a prepared list of possible module choices, and online links. We provide links to teh partner websites (and often teh direct link to host module catalogues) in the myNapier Study Abroad section, 'Where can i go?'.


Course information for the relevant semester(s) is not available.  Please advise.

If the course catalogue at the host institution is not yet online for the relevant period, students should choose from the nearest available equivalent, i.e. if they are going abroad in spring semester 2025, the nearest equivalent may be for modules in spring semester 2024. 

How many modules will students need to take while abroad?

This depends on the country/institution, but students will in many cases need to take more than 3 modules per semester.  In some European institutions, there are set courses for exchange students. The most important thing is that the total number of credits meets the required minimum per semester.


How many credits do students need to achieve while abroad?

Students must take a full-time workload while abroad, equivalent to 60 Edinburgh Napier credits per semester.  For those going to European destinations, this means modules totalling 30 ECTS (European credits). For overseas destinations, this varies according to institution - please refer to the following table.


My student has identified modules equivalent to the compulsory modules he/she would normally take at Edinburgh Napier, but still lacks sufficient total credits.  What should they do?

In this case the student may make up the balance of credits with other modules connected to their subject area or future interests, including language classes - you should advise the student on what is appropriate / acceptable.


Do I need to check all modules if my student is going away for a full year?

Yes, if your student is going on exchange for a full year, they should complete module choices for both autumn and spring semesters if possible. This is important in case the module offerings affect where, when and how long a student is likely to achieve the academic requirements to go on exchange, in which case would need to be discussed prior to applying, or checked by the PL (or relevant approver) when reviewing submitted applications. 

LAST UPDATED: 17/06/2024