Edinburgh Napier Students' Association
Edinburgh Napier Students' Association (ENSA) supports students in a range of ways, but representation is their core business. They help to make sure that the university delivers the kind of teaching and support that students want and need. They can be found at:
Room B34, Merchiston Campus
Opening times: Monday - Friday, 9am - 4:30pm
They also, of course, put on lots of fun things for students. There are opportunities to join one of the many sport clubs or societies, from ones specialising in dance or whisky, to archery, rugby and drama!
ENSA also offer students impartial advice on a range of topics. ENSA Advice offers a free, confidential and independent welfare rights and education advice from professional Advisers, specifically for Edinburgh Napier students.
They provide advice on:
Funding, money management and debt
Housing - tenancy, deposits, disputes etc
Immigration and visa issues
Employment rights
Health and welfare
Consumer rights
Problems on courses - appeals, complaints, etc