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Continuous Improvement Tools & Thinking


Event Date: 9th July 2024

Event Times: 13:30 - 16:30

Venue: 2/04 - Craiglockhart Campus

Lead Facilitator:

Type: Administrative Essentials

Provider Details: Learning and Development, learninganddevelopment@napier.ac.uk

Event Description:
An introduction to Continuous Improvement, it’s place in the University, and how you can apply it.#

Duration: 3.0 hours

Who should attend:
Staff interested in finding more about what continuous improvement is in theory and in practice

Pre requiste
Staff wishing to attend must complete the continuous improvement moodle module before attending a learning event. http://moodlecommunity.napier.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=54

Main description
Beginning with a check in to assess participant’s current knowledge and experience,
1. What is continuous improvement in practice (Simulation exercise)
2. Identifying and discussing continuous improvement in the workplace (Discussion/Presentation)
3. Applying continuous improvement in practice (Rich pictures excercise)

Participants will:
Complete a simple simulation to illustrate the process of continuous improvement, identify continuous improvement models used in the university and externally, and consider how to relate these to participant’s work.
Attendance should be discussed and agreed with your HOD/ line manager and linked to your Learning & Development Plan before booking.

To attend: Free to members of staff

Cancellations & non-attendance:
Cancellations will be accepted up to 10 working days before the event starts.
Thereafter, your department will be charged for cancellations and non attendance on the day, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Further information on HRConnect or by contacting event provider.

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