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Quality Enhancement and Standards Review
Affirming our commitment to providing an excellent experience for our students! 
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​The University's Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Quality Enhancement and Standards Review (QESR) took place on 7 December 2023. The review involved the submission of a comprehensive evidence base and also involved meetings with students and staff.

The Review team confirmed that it was confident that Edinburgh Napier University is making effective progress in continuing to monitor, review and enhance its higher education provision to enable effective arrangements to be in place for managing academic standards and the quality of the student learning experience. This is the best possible outcome for this QAA review method. 

In addition, three areas of good practice were identified, and only one recommendation for action. 

The QESR Report is published on the QAA website and identified the following features of good practice:

  • The integration of the Enhance Curriculum Framework and Curriculum Management Environment: The Curriculum Development Framework (ENhance) and the Curriculum Management Environment have an extensive reach and impact at all levels across the University, together with the evidence of the extent to which they are embedded in the University's processes to enhance the student experience. 
  • The approach to student engagement/partnership: This includes the use of Learning and Teaching Consultants and Student Quality Panel Members to ensure the student voice in decision-making processes; and the appointment of a new Head of Student Engagement and an Institutional Researcher for Learning and Teaching to strengthen the partnership between the student body and the University. 
  • Support for mental health: The University's well-rounded, holistic approach to mental health support including investment in support services by increasing staffing, the increased support offered to students and staff, increased visibility, as well as working in partnership with Edinburgh Napier Students' Association to strengthen awareness of these services.

In terms of recommendations, the QESR report identified the following:

  • Postgraduate research students: The University should make progress on and accelerate its actions in response to the ELIR 4 recommendations to develop an institutional approach to reviewing postgraduate research programmes and the wider student experience, ensuring that arrangements are in place for the next academic year. In addition, the University should put interim arrangements in place to capture the broader postgraduate research experience for existing students.

The Education and Student Experience Committee will approve an action plan to take forward this recommendation and other areas for enhancement identified by the report at its next meeting. 

Andrea Nolan, Principal and Vice Chancellor, said: "I am delighted with this QAA review outcome which affirms Edinburgh Napier's commitment to providing an excellent experience for our students. I am particularly proud that our efforts to enhance our academic programmes; strengthen student partnership in learning and teaching and strengthen mental health support have been recognised by the review team. I also acknowledge and value the opportunities for improvement highlighted in the QESR report which we are committed to taking forward in the coming months. 

"I would like to thank the QAA review team, on behalf of the University, for their considered approach in engaging with staff and students to fully understand the learning, teaching and student experience at Edinburgh Napier."


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