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Image of a Calendar Page​University Calendars

Edinburgh Napier University publishes a number of different calendars for specific purposes. The  Academic Calendars are prepared and maintained by the School Support Service.   The Calendar of Meeting and Activities, the Summary Calendar of Meetings, Contacts and Venues and Key Dates Calendar are all annually prepared and held by Governance Services.

The Calendar of Meetings and Activities provides details of which main meetings and activities of the University are scheduled on a given day.

The Summary Calendar of Meetings, Contacts and Venues lists the individual Committee/Group meetings for the academic year so that you can see at a glance how often and when a particular Committee or Group meets. It also provides the contact details for each Committee clerk and the venues for every meeting.

The calendars for the current session can be downloaded via the links on the menu to the left.

If you have any queries please contact Governance Services.​​