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Premium Benefits Sche​me

If you are full-time or part-time, permanent or fixed tem, and employed by Edinburgh Napier University on contracted hours, you are eligible to join the staff benefits scheme.  The University has signed up to the scheme in order to provide staff with a range of discounts on eating out, shopping and professional services.


The Premium Benefits Scheme provides a broad range of benefits not just in Edinburgh but across Scotland.  As members of the scheme, you will receive a membership card and a credit-card sized list of current offers for Edinburgh which are updated and produced every six month. 

You can:

To obtain the offers, all you have to do is show your Premium Benefits card at point of sale or enter the code provided in the adverts of the web-based offers.

Please email enquiries@premiumbenefits.co.uk and let them know about your favourite place to eat, drink or shop or your hobby or interest that is not currently covered and the team will do their very best to get a discount via the scheme.

Please contact the HR Services Team on ext 3344 or humanresources@napier.ac.uk if you would like a card.