Market Intelligence & Evaluation at Edinburgh Napier University
Undertaking market research and evaluating services helps you make informed decisions and achieve your objectives.The Market Intelligence & Evaluation team can help you by:
Running market research and evaluation projects in-house.
Commissioning external agencies to undertake market research projects
Undertaking competitor analysis and examining market trends.
Providing support for your market research and evaluation projects.
Conducting market research can help you uncover new ideas, define challenges and identify opportunities. It is also important to evaluate the services you provide to identify any improvements which can be made to the future delivery of services. Examples of the type of projects regularly undertaken by the Market intelligence & Evaluation Team are :
Student satisfaction research
Market testing key publications
Evaluation of a variety of student support services
Ad hoc projects for individual university departments
As a result numerous market research and evaluation projects have already been conducted and the findings which are already available can aid decision making processes. These findings can be accessed through the Market Intelligence & Evaluation SharePoint site.
Market Intelligence & Evaluation Areas of Responsibility
The Market Intelligence & Evaluation team manages the following regular surveys and areas of work.
The National Student Survey (NSS)
The Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey (DLHE)
The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)
The module satisfaction survey
The evaluation strand of the Graduate Employability Project (GEP)
Evaluation within Student Development & Wellbeing
Further Information
If you would like to discuss a potential market research or evaluation project or would like any further information please contact:
Nicola Kivlichan, Head of Market Intelligence
Tel: 01314555007