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UK & EU Student Recruitment

Who are we?

  • Paola Renucci: Head of UK & EU Student Recruitment
  • Ruth Swan: Senior Student Recruitment Officer (Team Leader & PG)
  • Grant Cullen: Senior Student Recruitment Officer (RUK)
  • Michelle Terrell: Student Recruitment Officer (UG)
  • Jonathan Mills: Student Recruitment Officer (EU)
  • Dominique Bramwell: Student Recruitment Officer (UG)
  • Charlotte Binstead: Student Recruitment & Conversion Officer
  • Aileen Rogers: Student Recruitment Assistant
  • Sarah Turnbull: Student Recruitment Assistant

What do we do?

We combine recruitment, marketing, customer service and organisational skills to ensure we provide high quality events as well as managing internal and external relationships. We plan, organise and implement promotional campaigns, customer relationship building and events management with a high-delivery emphasis. We attend and host a variety of activities from Open Days to Higher Education UCAS events around the UK, on campus, in Schools and Colleges and external venues. Overall, we are responsible for promoting the University to a diverse range of target audiences. Activities range from media relations through to student recruitment and the production of promotional materials - disseminated both through print and online channels.

Where are we based?

Room E9, Merchiston Campus - pop in anytime if you have any questions or just want to say hello!

How to get in touch...

You can contact us through our individual e-mail addresses or email studentrecruitment@napier.ac.uk