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Open Days 


Each year we organise a number of Open Days for the University.  Please check the Events Pages for details.

Applicant Visit Days:

These take place every year in March or April with visitors by invitation only. The 2016 dates are made well in advance.

University Open Day:

Saturday 1 October 2016 (9.30am-3pm). Further details will be posted on the website.



We also organise and host a number of events during the year:

  • University Experience Day(s)
  • Campus Tours
  • Web Chats


Presentations and Workshops

These presentations and workshops for S4, S5 and S6 are offered in Secondary Schools across the UK. 

  • Choosing and Applying
  • Student Finance Workshop
  • An Insider's Guide to the Personal Statement
  • University Skills

Subject Workshops

  • Business and Events Management
  • Design and Engineering
  • Journalism/Creative Writing
  • Marketing


The UK & EU Student Recruitment Team work in tandem with our own marketing team and external agencies to promote undergraduate study. An annual UCAS Campaign, launched in August, runs through to December during the UCAS cycle of applications.

Other ad hoc campaigns may be organised in line with the University's 2020 Strategy.

Working with Schools

We work closely with local Schools in the Fife, Lothian and Borders areas.  Meetings with key contacts in local secondary schools continue  to explore and discuss how the University could work better with schools to support transition from secondary to higher education, and where possible support developments in delivering the curriculum related to the Scottish Baccalaureates, Higher and Advanced Higher courses and the Curriculum for Excellence.

Rest of UK

Presentations and visits are offered further afield across the rest of the UK.

We attend 20 UCAS events across England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as presenting to pupils in secondary schools and sixth form colleges by arrangement.  Course specific presentations and workshops are increasingly popular with a significant amount of recruitment and conversion activity undertaken throughout the year.

Competition in the sector continues to grow.   We have identified the need for more customised and varied recruitment activities to suit teacher and pupil requirements. We therefore continue to seek ways of raising awareness, and ultimately increase applications, to the university.

Outreach to Schools and Colleges – Working with Academics

The team are always looking for academic support for key delivery with courses and subject areas to our key Schools and Colleges. In many cases this may be an on campus event or could be promoting out in the market place. We would also welcome assistance with FE Colleges developing Articulation and partnership working to strengthen RUK Student Numbers.