University benchmark for the use of technology in modules
The use of technology to enhance learning, teaching and assessment is a key aspect of the staff and student experience at Edinburgh Napier. Beyond the now well-established use of the University's virtual learning environment, a rich range of new and currently emerging technologies are being effectively used to support learning, teaching and assessment in classroom, blended, and online contexts.
The underlying principle of the University benchmark is that all modules can adopt technology to effectively benefit some aspect of the learning, teaching and assessment experience. The University benchmark for the use of technology in modules, which you can find here, is therefore designed to help academic staff to consider new or further developed uses of technology that are appropriate for the contexts within which they teach.
A supportive 3E Framework (Enhance, Extend, Empower) underpins the benchmark and this is described in detail in the information and guidance available in the different sections of the Benchmark document (on the left-hand side of this page).
In the first instance, to get a sense of the 3E Framework in action, staff may wish to go directly to the wide range of illustrative and real examples of how technology can support learning and teaching across University modules (Section 7 and Section 8). Please note: The examples in Sections 7 and 8 are being updated online on a continual basis at the moment, and so currently offer more examples than the PDF version of the Benchmark document contains.
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