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Draft Module Timetable Available for Review

We have now completed the scheduling process, so are releasing the draft module timetable for review. It is really important that academic colleagues review this Module Timetable to ensure we have timetabled your request appropriately - this is your chance to request any changes before the timetable is published to our students. 

The Trimester 1 Module Timetable will be available for review via Publish from Monday 17 June 2024. There is Publish User Guidance for staff available on the Publish page of the staff intranet.

Due to the constraints placed on timetabling for Trimester 1, please note that our main priority must be processing changes where there is an error.  The types of requests we will process, fall within below categories:​

Error – Clash for students (i.e. student unavailable due to another timetabled activity)

Error – Clash for staff member (i.e. staff unavailable due to another teaching commitment)

Error – Wrong staff member attached to teaching activity

Error – Incorrect activity duration (too long or too short)

Error – Incorrect day or time (only where this was previously defined)

Error – Too many activity groups (due to decrease in student numbers)

Error - Not enough activity groups (due to increase to student numbers)

Module Leaders: Once you have reviewed the Module Timetable, please add your initials and the date to the relevant modules tab of this spreadsheet   2024_25_TR1_Modules.xlsx (sharepoint.com)

Programme Leaders: Once you have the reviewed your Programme Timetable or student set timetable, please add your initial and date to the relevant student sets tab of this spreadsheet. The Student Set timetables will show you the timetable view for a planning student set, which represents a group of students. 2024_25_TR1_Modules.xlsx (sharepoint.com)

More information about reviewing the module timetable can be found  on the staff intranet.

Teaching Change Requests

During the module timetable review period, our main priority must be processing changes where an error has occurred. 

The Teaching Change Request Form should now be used to request any change to the timetable. We are asking colleagues to complete the form, so we can ensure we have all the necessary information required to process the requested change accurately first time, without having to ask for more information.

The deadline for submitting any change requests via the Teaching Change Request Form is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024. This is to allow timetabling colleagues sufficient time to process any updates before the module timetable is published to our students.  More information about our process for managing teaching change requests can be found here.

We are aiming to publish the TR1 Module Timetable to students and staff the week commencing 1 July 2024.

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