A Journal of Management Studies Associate Editor has the following advice for authors going through reviewers’ comments:
Reviewers are usually tougher than editors
They may be less experienced than the editor
They don’t have the need to publish papers
They are giving their free time to review your paper
Good reviewers put a lot of effort and produce helpful comments – they add value to your work
Use the reviews constructively to further develop your work
If you disagree with a suggestion, make a case
When reviewing a paper, consider the foloowing:
Thinking Like an Editor
An author that is not cautious when it comes to making observations and drawing inferences rather than a writer who is tentative, or someone who produces polemic, bombast or un-evidenced generalisations.
A researcher that respects their readers’ intelligence and aims to avoid causing discomfort by utilising a condescending tone.
Rabiner and Fortunato suggest that popular works have “a strong authorial voice". While they realise a paper must deal fairly with its subject matter, taking into account all relevant information and points of view, the author must have “something to say and the compulsion to say it''.
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