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Supervision and Assessment

The Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) were published by the NMC in 2018 and were adopted by Scotland under the Future Nurse and Midwife Programme Board agenda in September 2020. These standards are set out under three headings:
  • Effective practice learning
  • Supervision of students and assessment of students 
  • Confirmation of proficiency
Supervision image 

In helping you to understand the roles of Practice Supervisor, Practice Assessor and Academic Assessor NHS Education for Scotland have produced a framework and a handbook:

The National Framework for Practice Supervisors, Practice Assessors and Academic Assessors in Scotland has been developed to provide guidance for the implementation of these new roles in line with the Standards for student supervision and assessment (NMC 2018). 

The National Practice Learning Handbook for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors in Scotland has been developed to provide guidance for the implementation of these new roles in line with the Standards for student supervision and assessment (NMC 2018)  

NHS Education for Scotland have also produced an interactive module exploring the new roles and responsibilities as part of a series of 6 modules.* https://learn.nes.nhs.scot/45749/future-nurse-and-midwife/practice-supervisors-and-practice-assessors-learning-resource#
*You are required to have a TURAS Learn log in to access this 

To find out more about the individual roles please click on the links below:

Practice Supervisor: The Practice Supervisor (PS) has a regulatory function to fulfil NMC requirements for student nurse and midwife supervision in practice. Practice supervisors will supervise students learning in practice, assisting them to work towards achievement of the programme learning outcomes and proficiencies. The practice supervisor is a main source of support for students  - see page 40 in this link for a summary of the PS role

Practice Assessor: The Practice Assessor (PA) has a regulatory function to fulfil NMC requirements for student assessment in practice. The Practice Assessor role differs from the practice supervisor as they seek feedback from the PS regarding student conduct and performance during practice placements to inform assessment decisions.  The PA, in partnership with the nominated Academic Assessor (AA), will communicate and collaborate to evaluate and recommend the student for progression  - see p.55 in this link for a summary of the PA role

Academic Assessor: The Academic Assessor (AA) has a regulatory function in a similar way to the practice assessor.  Their role is relates to teaching, learning and assessment in the academic environment, and they are responsible for collating and confirming the student’s academic achievement. The Academic Assessor, in partnership with a nominated Practice Assessor, will communicate and collaborate to conduct assessments related to student achievement of proficiencies and programme outcomes for progression from one part of the programme to another.  See p.70 in this link​ for a summary of the AA role​

For further information about how you can transition or prepare for the roles of Practice Supervisor/Practice Assessor within your boards please see information below:

NHS Borders: Log into NHS LearnPro and once on your home page scroll down to the bottom and click on the Training events / course booking tab.  Search for Future Nurse and Midwife: Supervisor and Assessor preparation and book a date to attend a facilitated online support session

NHS Lothian:  In NHS Lothian there is an intranet page entitled “Future Nurse/Midwife Programme Information” which has all the information you need to undergo transition or preparation for the new roles. 

NHS Fife:  (information / link to be added)

NHS Forth Valley:  (information / link to be added)​

You can also contact your local PEF/CHEF for further advice. 
