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Academic Regulations 2018/19


The following regulations apply to current students who matriculated onto the academic regulations in academic year 2018/19. The regulations for 2017/18 will still apply for some students and can be found on the left hand banner.

Please note that all regulations are subject to review as part of the commencement of a new academic year. 


Our retention schedule determines that academic regulations are kept for ten years. These are kept here​ if you wish to review them. Please contact Quality & Standards if you need assistance in finding older versions of the Academic Regulations.


A Moodle course is available to support staff in understanding and applying Sections A-C of the academic regulations. It is available for self-enrolment: http://moodlecommunity.napier.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=198

Section A General Regulations 2018/19

Section B Undergraduate Regulations 2018/19

Section C Taught Master’s Regulations 2018/19

Section D Research Degree Regulations 2018/19

Section E: Regulations for Nursing and Midwifery Pre-Registration Programmes of Study 2018/19

Section F: Regulations for Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration), Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration), and Social Work Programmes of Study


Current Exemptions to Regulations 2018/19​

Amendments to Academic Regulations 2018/19


Academic Appeals Regulations 2018/19

Complaints Handling Procedure

Coursework Extension form RE1​ 

Coursework Extension Policy 2018/19




​What's new for 2​018/19?


Updated Regulations

Amendments to the Regulations for 2018/19


Updated Quality Framework

Summary of changes


Updated policies and guidance

Guidance on development of extended Masters

Coursework extension policy

Coursework extension form RE1


New for 2018/19

Dual Career Athlete and Coach Policy


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