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Image of a signed contract and penContract Advice


Staff members requiring guidance on drafting contracts and using contract templates should contact:


Collaborative Agreements (Overseas) - International Operations


Collaborative Agreements (UK) - Quality and Standards Team, Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement


Commercialisation Contracts - your School Research and Innovation Manager, who will liaise with the RIE Contracts Officer


Finance and Procurement Contracts - Operations Support Manager, Finance Services


Research Contracts - your School Research and Innovation Manager, who will liaise with the RIE Contracts Officer


General Contracts - your School Research and Innovation Manager, who will liaise with the RIE Contracts Officer. Support Services staff can contact the Contracts Officer direct.


Outcome Agreements with the Scottish Funding Council - Information and Projects Officer, Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement


The signatory for Edinburgh Napier University must have appropriate powers under the University’s Schedule of Delegated Financial Authority: Schedule of Delegated Financial Authority (napier.ac.uk).​