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RMS Frequently Asked Questions for Staff


General | Profiles | Outputs | Projects | Ethics




Q. How do I get access to the system?
A. All staff and research students have access to the system at https://napier-research.worktribe.com using their university staff login ID and password. If you have problems despite using the correct credentials, email RMSAdmin@napier.ac.uk for assistance.


Q. When do I need to start using the system

A. Staff will have access to Worktribe within the first month of starting at the University. Research degree students will usually have access within a few months from registration. The data is added in the Autumn and Spring to provide access. This should be used to build you online academic/researcher profile. All research applications, outputs and recognition activity should be added to Worktribe.

Q. How do I get training to use the system?

User information guides and training dates are available on the Research and Innovation RMS Training page.




Q.  What information will go automatically from Worktribe to the University website?

A. Your name, contact details, photograph, biography, details of all your outputs checked and marked discoverable by the repository team, basic details of all of your projects (investigators, title, dates, funder, abstract, amount) , your recognition entries (esteem measures and research activity), and any News or Events you create which are approved by your School Public Engagement Officer.


Q.  What control do I have to make things accessible or not?

A. You can control your profile summary information and recognition information by setting the records to discoverable.

Output discoverability is controlled by the library and any request for embargo must go through the library.

Project discoverability is dependent on the status of the research project and is managed by RIO.

News and events will be available online once approved. If you need to keep for internal use only you can request this when you submit for approval.


Q.  If I do nothing on my profile what will show on the university Website?

A.  A greyed out silhouette picture with basic staff directory information: name, phone and email and any outputs or projects that have been entered into the system.

Q. How do I get my LinkedIn account to connect to my external web profile?

A. You can add this in your profile on Worktribe. Use your LinkedIn profile URL and add in your name and ID, do not include the www.linkedin.com/in/

Q. I am new to the University, I have all my outputs, project s and qualifications with me, do I have to update all my profile manually?

A. You have to update all of the data manually but Worktribe can assist you with this. If you have a list of outputs these can be loaded these automatically into Worktribe from a Bibtex file (eg from ORCID) or you can enter them individually based on the DOIs. You can also enter them manually or based on the publication full text. If you want to use a Bibtex file please contact repository@napier.ac.uk for guidance before uploading. Details such as qualifications, recognition (including projects and PhD completions obtained at another institution) must be entered manually, however this is very straightforward in Worktribe


Q. Some of my qualifications are missing/have wrong information, what should I do?

A. You should edit these directly in Worktribe or enter new ones manually.


Q. Will my student supervisions appear against me?

A. Any internal research student supervisions should appear on your records. This information comes from SITS and cannot be edited. If there are any missing please report to RMSadmin@napier.ac.uk who can determine why they are not showing. For any PhDs external to Edinburgh Napier, these must be managed manually through the recognition tab.


Q. How do the news items I create in Worktribe get used?  Do I need to alert the news team in Marketing and External Relations?

A. Any news items created go through a workflow for approval in the system by the Marketing approver group who will ensure the item is appropriate for external publishing. There is no need to contact Marketing and External Relations as they understand that all staff news will come through Worktribe and will monitor the news for onward dissemination or development.


Q. How do the events items I create in the RMS get used? Do I need to alert the events team in marketing and communications?

A. Any Events items created go through a workflow for approval in the system by the Marketing approver group who will ensure the item is appropriate for external advertising. There is no need to contact Marketing and External Relations as they understand that all school events will come through Worktribe and will automatically be published on the website.


Q. What should I do for the equipment list?

A. The equipment list will be used to list all research facilities that are for hire internal or externally across the University. The list will be compiled through RIE. If you have any facilities that should be included please contact Lindsay Ramage.


Q. I am trying to assign an organisation and it’s not available what should I do?

A. If you require the addition of an organisation for a project please liaise with your school project advisor in the Research Funding or Business Engagement Teams who will organise this for you. If you require this for items on your profile please contact RMSAdmin@napier.ac.uk.


Q. What tagging do I need to do?

A. Tagging is used to link any of your activities to your School, centre, and research areas. You should select all that are appropriate to ensure that your activities are discoverable when someone searches for that School, Research Centre or Research Area through the facets on the website or within Worktribe.


Q. I want to run a report against myself, my area, how do I do this?

A. You can run personalised reports through the search menus. Please contact you Research Funding Manager if you require assistance. Details of how to run reports can be found in the Worktribe guide. A shared search for “My projects which have been awarded” which will list all your awarded projects whether they are live, complete or closed. Shared searchers can be found in the projects menu.


Q. What will happen for the REF, will my information be used or will I have to submit again?

A. Worktribe has a REF management module which will allow us to keep track of which academics are being submitted to which UoA, this will link their outputs. Academics are able to develop their impact case studies through Worktribe again linking outputs, projects, and evidence to substantiate any claims of impact. Details and training will are available on the Research and Innovation RMS Training page.




Q. Some of my outputs are missing/have wrong information, what should I do?

A. If you have access to the add comment button on your output you can contact the library by adding a comment and requesting the changes. If not you can email repository@napier.ac.uk requesting your changes. Please include the output Worktribe ID in your request when emailing.


Q. Some of my outputs do not appear on the website, what should I do?

A. Firstly check the status of the output. If it is has yet to be deposited it will have status ‘in progress’ you need to click on the deposit button so the repository team can review your output record and make discoverable on the website. If the status is ‘in review’ the repository team have yet to review the output or are awaiting further information. If the status is ‘discoverable’ but the output is not on the website contact the repository team who will investigate.


Q. What do I do with my published dataset?

A. If you want to make a dataset Open Access, please follow the guidelines for Data Management. Datasets are considered a type of output and can be uploaded into Worktribe just like any publication.




Q. I don't know the answer to all of the questions when creating my application...

A. Only questions marked with an asterisk are mandatory when creating a proposal in the first instance. Once the proposal is created, your project liaison (Research Funding or Business Engagement Team) will have access to your project and will be able to assist you, however you should answer as much as possible. Please remember to add tags your project as you wont be able to do this after you submit for approval. You can also refer to the training documentation.


Q. How does the approval process work?

A. The approval of projects will be based on a risk/benefit approach, where staff and the RIE project Liaison will identify any risks and benefits to inform the approver. The system approval process follows University agreed financial logic to determine the level of approval required for any given project. All projects will require approval first by RIE to verify all the costs and funder guidelines have been checked, then by the School Head of Research will approve projects under the value to £500K unless match funding of more than £20K is required from the School. In these cases or where a high risk of another nature has been identified, projects will additionally require approval by an appropriate member of ULT, VP Nick Antonopoulous in the first instance.


Ethics FAQs


When do I need to start using the online ethics application?

As of November 2021 all committees with the exception of SACI are using Worktribe for all staff and research student ethics applications.


How do I get help using the ethics application?

Your Research Integrity Convenor should be the first person to contact. If you cannot access the create application option on the ethics menu please contact RMSAdmin@napier.ac.uk.Guidance document and videos are also available on the Worktribe training pages.


What types of research and innovation projects should have an online ethics application?

Any R&I project by staff and research degree students which meets the school criteria for ethics/integrity review. This typically will involve human participants, data from or about people (including online and publicly available data about people). Please check the University integrity webpage and code of practice for more details or contact your Research Integrity convenor.
