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​Student Funding


We provide information, help and advice to any Edinburgh Napier student (or prospective student) who is experiencing money worries of any kind. We will explain the options available to them and assist them in accessing the help they need, advising ALL students on eligibility and signposting, if necessary, to the correct service.


We can help students face-to-face, by email or on the phone. We manage several funds and can provide financial help to eligible students. We do not offer loans – there is no requirement to repay any award made. If we make an award to a student we will tell them how much to expect and when it will be paid.


The service is confidential and impartial and will not affect a student’s academic standing. We can provide help quickly, when required, to help ANY eligible student in the form of Childcare or Discretionary Funds and arrange emergency cash payments in exceptional cases. We consider all applications entirely on their own merit.


We would like to encourage Edinburgh Napier staff to refer students to Money on myNapier where they can read about what we do, how to contact us and how to apply to any of the Funds we manage. We will consider each case individually and ask that you encourage ALL students to consider their eligibility for additional funding.


We hope staff will encourage students to get the help they need to succeed on their course and to know that financial problems do not need to be a barrier to their success.


Discretionary Fund 


Funds provided by the Scottish Government to help any eligible student who faces financial difficulties during their course. For full information about eligibility and how to apply visit Money on myNapier.


Childcare Fund and Lone Parent Childcare Grant


Provides money to help with the cost of formal or registered childcare. For full information about eligibility and how to apply visit Money on myNapier.


Trust Funds and Bursaries


At various times of the year information is sent to us about trust funds and bursaries available to Edinburgh Napier students. We undertake to publicise these as appropriate. For full details of these funds and how and when to apply visit Money on myNapier.


Contact Us


Student Funding drop-in sessions are held at the Student Hub at Merchiston and Sightill, visit Money on myNapier for further information or email studentfunding@napier.ac.uk


The Student Funding Team Leader is Letitia Friary and she is supported by David Cockell, Student Funding Adviser.