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Alternative Formats

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What Is "Alternative Format"? (commonly referred to as altformat)


Alternative Format refers to the transcription of books or other content (such as notes or newspapers or magazines) into a format other than standard print.  In Higher Education, we should remember that this does not refer to course materials only, it includes all correspondence with a student, such as application forms, letters, information posters etc.


What Types Of Users Benefit From Alternative Formats?


People who are either visually or print impaired can have difficulty reading standard print and relate more easily to some of the other formats such as large print, Braille, audio or DAISY.


What Are The Main Types Of Alternative Format?


The most common types of alt formats include: large print, audio (CD, MP3, WAV), Braille, tactile diagrams and DAISY (Digital accessible information systems). Equally, altformat might just mean converting from one type of file format such as PDF to another such as Word.


Can I Create My Own Alternative Formats?


Yes you can. Easy to use tools are now available to help you to transform your books or learning materials into alternative formats. Please contact us in the Adaptive Technology Centre to see a demo of some software.


Where Can I Learn More About Alternative Formats?


The altformat website is an excellent resource for more information.