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1. Foreword and Acknowledgements


Edinburgh Napier University's Data Protection Code of Practice was based on a JISC Model Code (2008) and has been revised by members of the University's Information Governance Group and other key staff to include:

  • New legislation and developments in case law
  • Codes and other guidance issued by the UK Information Commissioner (ICO)
  • Updated University guidance documents on the application of the Data Protection Legislation and other resources


The University's Code concentrates on key issues of concern to the University, reflects our agreed policies and procedures, provides links to these where appropriate and to other resources which have been developed.


Governance Services publishes other related materials on Data Protection, including the University's Data Protection Policy statement.                                                                                                  


The ICO is responsible for enforcing and overseeing Data Protection Legislation and publishes information, tools and resources at: www.ico.org.uk.


In addition to JISC and the contributors to the model Code, Edinburgh Napier University gratefully acknowledged other material originally incorporated from guidance published by the University of Edinburgh, University of Brighton and the University of Essex.