Remit of Nominations Committee
Terms of Reference
1. To manage the process of filling vacancies in the external membership of the Court and to make appointments to such vacancies on behalf of Court.
2. To manage the process for filling a vacancy in the position of the senior lay member (Chair of Court) in accordance with the provisions of sections 3-5 of the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016.
3. To consider and make recommendations to the Court on a vacancy in the post of Vice-Chair of the Court.
4. To review the membership of Court committees, consider the skills, interests and opinions of Court members, and make recommendations to the Court on the filling of such vacancies informed by consideration of annual effectiveness feedback from members and committees.
5. To keep under review the rules governing membership of the Court and to make recommendations to the Court on any proposed change in the numbers of external members on the Court.
6. To establish an appointments committee for the appointment of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, which committee shall make a recommendation to the Court on the appointment.
7. To establish an appointments committee for the appointment of Vice-Principals, Assistant Principals and the University Secretary, which committee shall make a recommendation to the Court on the appointment.
8. To establish, and recommend to Court, appropriate goals and policies in regard to the balance of its independent members in terms of equality and diversity, and regularly review performance against those established goals and policies.
9. To receive an annual assurance report on senior management succession planning.
The Quorum shall be three members.
Frequency of Meetings
Normally twice a year, in September and May.
Reporting Requirements
The Committee shall report to the Court at least once per annum, and shall annually recommend the membership of all Court committees, normally in June for the cycle beginning in September.
Current Sub-Committees
Working Groups
Where appropriate the Nominations Committee should take account of the overall composition of Court in proposing the membership of committees to ensure that lay members normally have a majority voice.
The Chair of Court must be excluded from the process of making a recommendation on a vacancy in the position of Vice-Chair of Court in view of the role of the Vice Chair in assessing the Chair’s performance.