Remit of Remuneration Committee
Terms of Reference
1. To review and determine the total reward package of the Principal & Vice-Chancellor having sought the views of representatives of students and staff of the institution, including representatives of recognised trade unions.
2. To determine any remuneration and allowances to be paid to the Chair of Court.
3. To receive recommendations, from time to time, from the Principal & Vice-Chancellor regarding which members of the University’s Leadership Team should have their total reward package determined by the Committee; and thereafter to approve the outcome on behalf of the Court.
4. To review, in discussion with the Principal & Vice-Chancellor, and having sought the views of representatives of students and staff of the institution, including representatives of recognised trade unions., those proposals brought forward by the Principal & Vice-Chancellor regarding the total reward package of approved members of the University’s Leadership Team; and thereafter to determine the outcomes.
5. To consider and agree any changes in the terms and conditions of service of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor and the approved members of the University’s Leadership Team.
6. To deal with any other matters relating to the salaries, terms and conditions, pension and superannuation arrangements for the Principal & Vice-Chancellor and the approved members of the University’s Leadership Team.
7. To deal with any matters relating to severance or applications for early retirement in accordance with the Policy on Severance Payments approved by Court and in accordance with the provisions of the Scottish Funding Council’s Financial Memorandum.
8. To ensure all matters dealt with by the Remuneration Committee are undertaken in accordance with relevant guidance provided by the Scottish Funding Council.
9. To oversee contracts of employment for senior staff and ensure that these do not specify periods of notice of more than 12 months and do not require the payment of pension enhancements except where these follow on from pension scheme rules.
10. To recommend to Court, after consultation with the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, the creation or cessation of such Vice-Principals and Assistant Principals as may be considered necessary.
11. To propose policies and processes for the conduct of its business to Court for approval.
12. To deal with such other relevant matters as may be referred to it by the Court.
The quorum for the Remuneration Committee shall be three lay/external members
Frequency of Meetings
Once a year, normally in November.
Where matters arise throughout the year, such as a salary approval for an appointment, additional meetings may be called or feedback and approval may be sought via e-mail. Where agreement is reached via e-mail, a record of the e-mail approvals will be kept by the Director of HR.
Reporting Requirements
The Court must receive a report of each meeting. The Remuneration Committee’s reports to the governing body should provide sufficient detail of the broad criteria and policies against which decisions have been made.
Current Sub-Committees
Working Groups
The Remuneration Committee is a small, authoritative body, which must have the necessary expertise to review and determine the salaries, terms and conditions (and, where appropriate, severance payments) of the head of the institution and such other senior members of staff as the Court deems appropriate. The Principal, the Chair of Court, the Secretary to Court and (if appropriate) the Clerk shall not be in attendance when their own salaries, terms and conditions etc. are discussed.
The consultation requirement in terms of reference 1 & 4 shall normally be deemed to be met by seeking the views of the relevant members of the University Court.
Approved by University Court 26 June 2023