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Paul Sim

Non-Academic Trade Union Member of University Court

Paul was originally an IT trainee in the computing department at Edinburgh Napier University’s Craiglockhart Campus less than a year after it changed from Napier Polytechnic.  He left Napier to work at Heriot-watt University, returning to complete a computing degree. During the degree, Paul worked at Heriot-Watt as a part-time Special Needs IT advisor, before taking a yearlong placement with Standard Life in their networking and risk management teams.

After graduation, Paul worked for the Law Society of Scotland as an IT Officer, later moving on to London and working for John Lewis in technical support.

At John Lewis, Paul grew interested in the Stake Holder Model, leading to his successful election to the role of Partner Voice, followed a few years later by being elected as the Partner Voice Chair.

Returning to Edinburgh and to Edinburgh Napier University late in 2021, Paul joined the recognised Union (Unison).  In early 2022 he was elected by Unison members to Edinburgh Napier University Court, running on a platform emphasising openness, honesty, and responsibility. Paul hopes that his technical knowledge and experience in different industries (Education/Retail/Financial/Law) will prove of value to the Court.