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​​​​​​​​​​​REF 2029

In December 2023, the UK REF team working on behalf of the four UK funding bodies released further details of the upcoming research evaluation exercise.

The major headline is that the exercise has been delayed to 2029, with results published in 2029, and submissions due in late 2028.

Recognising that further work is needed, they are now working through the detail on many of the key principles which were previously announced in the Initial Decisions publication in June 2023, specifically relating to HESA staff data, breaking the staff and output link, exploring maximum output limits, and demonstrating a substantive connection to the institution.

One helpful update is the clarification that the submission of outputs sole authored by Research Postgraduate students and outputs produced by individuals employed on academic contracts with no expectation of research (e.g. those on teaching-only contracts) will not be eligible for submission.  

A further update is expected in spring 2024.

In addition to this work, a separate project is occurring to refine details of the People, Culture and Environment component of REF 2029. 

You can learn more about the emerging shape of REF 2029 by watching the 'Introduction to REF' video here: 


The REF 2029 preparations at Edinburgh Napier are currently articulated around the units of assessment below, which are led by academic colleagues across our schools.

Unit of Assessment (UoA)

Title of Unit of AssessmentUoA LeaderSchool

Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy Paul HuttonSHSC
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy Vacant SAS
7Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Karen DieleSAS
11Computer Science and Informatics Ben PaechterSCEBE
12General EngineeringJohn McDougallSCEBE
13Architecture, Built Environment and Planning Mark DeakinSCEBE
17Business and Management Studies Maura SheehanBS
Richard WhitecrossBS
20Social Work and Social PolicyTaulant GumaSAS
23EducationSally SmithDLTE
24Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and TourismAnna LeaskBS
24Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and TourismGerraint Florida-JamesSAS
27English Language and Literature Anne SchwanSACI
32Art and Design: History, Practice and TheoryRyo YamadaSACI
33Music, Drama, Dance and Performing ArtsHaftor MedboeSACI
34Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management Louise MilneSACI

Future Research Assessment Programme (FRAP) Outcomes and Initial Decisions (June 2023)

The three elements familiar from REF 2014 and REF 2021 have been renamed, their content adjusted and their weightings rebalanced to reflect this:

  • People, culture and environment (25% weighting) replaces the environment element and will be expanded to include research culture.
  • Contribution to knowledge and understanding (50% weighting) replaces the outputs element. It will largely be based on assessment of research outputs, but will also include evidence of broader contributions to the advancement of the discipline.
  • Engagement and impact (25% weighting) replaces the impact element. It is similar to the impact element of REF 2014 and will consist of impact case studies and an accompanying statement.


The table below outlines the key changes from REF2021:​





Unit of AssessmentREF 2029 will retain the REF2021 Unit of Assessment structure.

Staff​Institutions will not submit staff to REF 2029
Staff FTE data will be gathered directly from HESA to determine the volume of research that each institution and Unit of Assessment has to submit. 

REF 2021 staff eligibility criteria will be used to establish the volume of research that needs to be submitted for each Unit of Assessment
OutputsREF 2029 will fully break the link between individual staff members and unit submissions
In REF 2029 Institutions will be required to submit 2.5 outputs x the volume measure for each Unit of Assessment.
Minimum and maximum output requirements are unlikely to be used, however units will be required to explain how their submitted pool is representative of the research undertaken within the disciplinary area.
The outputs quota can be made up of any combination of outputs as long as 'substantive link' to institution. However the submission of outputs sole authored by RPG students and outputs produced by individuals employed on academic contracts with no expectation of research (e.g. those on teaching-only contracts) will not be eligible for submission
There will be no process to account for individual-equality related circumstances.
Open Access 
The REF2021 Open Access Policy applies for now. New requirements will be published in Spring 2024
People, Culture and EnvironmentThe focus of the environment element will be expanded to People, Culture and Environment
It will be assessed at both institution and disciplinary level
The element will make up 25% (tbc) of the overall quality profile. The score for the institutional level statement will constitute at least 20% of the sub profile subject to further consultation.
Contribution to Knowledge and UnderstandingThis element will include assessment of outputs and a structured explanatory statement
It will make up 50% of the Unit's quality profile with the structured statement making up at least 10% of the assessment element
The explanatory statement will require HEI's to outline the wider contribution to knowledge and understanding in the disciplinary area, supported by evidence and data.
Engagement and ImpactThis element will include assessment of impact case studies and a structured explanatory statement which sets out the wider contribution research activities to society and economy.
The engagement and impact element will make up 25% of a quality profile. The funding bodies intend to weight the structured statement on a sliding scale, proportionate to the number of case studies submitted.
The number of case studies required will be determined by the volume measure for each unit of assessment with the requirement of a minimum of one per UoA submission.
​In REF 2029, units will no longer be required to demonstrate that the research underpinning impact case studies is of a minimum 2* quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is FRAP?

FRAP – The ‘Future Research Assessment Programme’, which was launched by the four UK funding bodies in May 2021 to evaluate the previous Research Assessment Exercise (REF2021) and to identify approaches to future research assessment that:

  • encourage and strengthen the emphasis on delivering excellent research and impact,
  • support a positive, productive research culture, while
  • simplifying and reducing the administrative burden on the HE sector.​

Following a period evaluation and consultation with the sector, some decisions about the next exercise (REF2029) have been announced.  

Q. Why is the Research Excellence Framework changing and how is it changing?

The initial decisions of FRAP represent a shift towards a broader and more holistic approach to research assessment.

There is a stronger focus on people and culture, and a move away from assessing individuals.

The exercise will be conducted in 2029, with institutions submitting in late 2028.

Q. If individuals are no longer being assessed, how can I contribute to REF2029?

There are a number of ways that individuals will contribute to REF2029.  The University will continue to submit research outputs and impact case studies authored by individuals associated with the University.  

We will also include information about the collective contributions, achievements and successes of individuals employed by the University through a range of narrative statements.

This will include contributions from academic staff and professional service staff.

Q. What does it mean to be Significantly Responsible for Research (SigRes)?

The term SigRes was first introduced in REF2021 as a means to identify those staff within an institution who are employed on a specific contract type (Research or Teaching and Research) and where explicit time and resources are made available to them to actively engage in independent research.

The University’s current criteria for determining significant responsibility for research is:

Staff members on a teaching and research contract, who have normally received a research allowance of at least 20% per year with associated research objectives.


Staff members on a research-only contract who are considered independent (as opposed to supporting others’ research).

Q. How do I know if I am SigRes?

As part of the annual ‘MyContribution’ objective setting meetings, academic staff, in agreement with their line manager and Head of Research, can request an allocation of protected research time in exchange for delivering on one or more research deliverables.  The deliverables can vary but may include things like, production of research outputs, disseminating research, generating impact or leading a significant research task. It may also include working on externally funded research grants or supervising research degrees.

Those staff receiving research time above the 20% threshold would be considered SigRes.

Some staff might be considered ‘developing in research’ if they are allocated research time below this threshold. In this case the objectives set would be commensurate to the time and expectations of the individual.

Staff who are considered to be SigRes will be recorded as such in our annual HESA staff data [i] and this measure will be used to calculate the volume of research that we ultimately need to submit to REF2029.

Staff on research-only contracts who are conducting independent research will also be classified as SigRes.

Please note the University may consult upon and update our SigRes criteria in due course.

 [i] Higher Education Statistics Agency, responsible for collecting standardised data in HE

Q. What does being ‘SigRes’ mean for REF2029 submission?

Unlike in REF2021, SigRes staff do not need to be returned to REF2029 with a minimum number of outputs associated with them, because this exercise aims to break the link between individuals and submission.​

The exercise recognises that there could be valid reasons why a staff member deemed to be SigRes may not be an author on outputs or impacts submitted to the exercise.

Q. I am not SigRes, but would like to contribute to REF2029, can I?

In REF2029, it is being proposed that institutions can submit research from a wider body of staff so long as there is a substantive link to the submitting institution.  

However, the submission of outputs sole authored by RPG students and outputs produced by individuals employed on academic contracts with no expectation of research (e.g. those on teaching-only contracts) will not be eligible for submission

If you have ambitions to contribute to a future research assessment exercise, you should speak with your line manager and Head of Research in the first instance to agree appropriate research objectives as part of your My Contribution objective setting / career development plan. 

The REF team will be developing processes to identify the research that is eligible for submission to REF2029, and we will be consulting further on the internal criteria for final selection of outputs.

Regardless of the final selection of outputs and impact submitted, staff will be recognised in REF2029 through other elements such as the narrative components of the submission which will recognise wider contributions.

Q. I am a non-academic or member of Professional Services, can I contribute to REF2029?

It is currently unclear if outputs from Professional Service staff can be submitted.

Once we have clarity on this, the REF team will be developing processes to identify the research that is eligible for submission to REF2029, and we will be consulting further on the internal criteria for final selection of outputs.

Regardless of the final selection of outputs and impact submitted, staff will be recognised in REF2029 through other elements such as the narrative components of the submission which will recognise wider contributions.

Q. How will these changes affect my career development and promotion opportunities?

The University’s academic promotions framework recognises a range of criterion associated with research activity.

Submission to REF is not specifically one of those criteria. However, staff applying for promotion on the research pathway would be required to demonstrate the quality of their research outputs using evidence aligned to REF quality thresholds of internationally excellent standard.

Q. When will we know the final details and guidance for REF2029?

The exercise has recently been delayed to 2029.  We are awaiting details of the revised timeline.

Q. How can I engage in the internal consultation exercise and find out more about REF2029?

In response to the initial decisions document, the Funding bodies invited views from the sector via consultation. Edinburgh Napier's response was submitted on 26th September 2023. 

The REF Team will continue to engage staff in any further consultation activity.