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​REF Training and Development​ 

These informative training videos have been designed to provide a basic overview of research excellence and impact


​Introduction to Research Excellence Framework (REF)​

Want to learn more about the Research Excellence Framework (REF)? Presented by REF Project Manager Ceri Bain​, this short video gives an overview of the Research Excellence Framework to those less familar with it, explaining what REF is and the REF process and exercise at Edinburgh Napier University.


Introduction to Research Impact

These two video training resources provide a basic level of information of research impact, outlining how research impact makes a difference.

What is Impact?

This video is a basic guide to what impact is, what it isn't, and why it's important in research.​

Managing Impact

This video gives a short guide to planning, managing, describing and evidencing impact in research. 


​Get in touch

All enquiries about the Research Excellence Framework (REF) and processes, should be directed to the REF Team, REFteam@napier.ac.uk​