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Funder Data Management Policies and Requirements


Most funders now have research data management requirements which cover planning your data management before and during your research project as well as after the work has completed eg archiving, sharing and publishing.


Often funding bodies require data management (DMP) plans to be submitted as part of grant applications, although the format and content of these plans can differ between funders. Please check your funder guidance for specific details. A summary of selected funder guidance can be found here: http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/data-management-plans/funders-requirements


Once your project has been awarded there will usually be details in the terms and conditions/award letter/funder policies on how you should maintain your data. This can include ensuring your DMP is updated if things change during your project, making your data open (publications, repository, open licences etc), sharable and archived.


The requirements from funders are rapidly evolving, so we recommend checking with the relevant funding body site for the latest requirements. A useful tool which provides summaries of research funder open research policies is Sherpa Juliet.
