Researcher Development Framework
Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities
This domain contains the knowledge and intellectual abilities needed to be able to carry out excellent research. Much of the support for this area may come from your School or research group and may include attending conferences and seminars to increase your subject knowledge. If you are a research student each school runs several events on research methods and their application. Ask your Research Degree Programme Leader for more information on these.
Support from the Library for information seeking
The Library supports research across all disciplines. Find the Library online at:
To search for books and e-books, e-journals and articles online, use the Edinburgh Napier search tool:
Online subject guides are available describing which search and retrieval resources are most relevant to your subject.
Library tours are available at the start of the trimester. These will give a brief (15 minute) overview of finding books and other items in the library. Keep an eye out for times, or ask in any library.
Keeping up to date with new information - One way to keep up to date is to set up alerts so that you are automatically emailed the Tables of Contents (TOCs) of your favourite journals when they are published, or set up RSS feeds. Two services which allow you to set up alerts are:
Reference Management software
Keeping track of your literature is an important part of research. Several tools are available to help with this:
- Endnote – available to staff on their desktop or via the library for students
- Mendeley (external link)
- Zotero (external link)
More information