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Pedagogy and learning technology: a practical guide


Image of front coverPlease find here access to the revised 2010 edition of the Edinburgh Napier University publication Pedagogy and learning technology: a practical guide (ISBN 0-902703-84-6). The PALT guide provides an alternative means of accessing practical guidance, examples, and further resources relating to technology-enhanced learning and teaching that complements the staff development events and one-to-one support provided at Edinburgh Napier. It is also used as a general reference text on Edinburgh Napier's MSc Blended and Online Education.


The PALT guide in print form has been distributed and used widely beyond Edinburgh Napier, and is now made available online subject to the terms of the Creative Commons license the publication is offered under.


If you would like to offer comments or suggestions on the PALT guide please email palt@napier.ac.uk.


 Full document to download [2713 KB]

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 UK: Scotland License


The document has been separated into manageable sections and is provided below:


 Title pages [390 KB]

 Unit 1: Introduction [241 KB]

 Unit 2: Starting to use technology in teaching [157 KB]

 Unit 3: Designing blended and online modules [335 KB]

 Unit 4: The role of the tutor [220 KB]

 Unit 5: Communication and collaboration [362 KB]

 Unit 6: Coursework and assessment for blended and online learning [447 KB]

 Unit 7: Educational multimedia [480 KB]

 Unit 8: Issues in student support [244 KB]

 Unit 9: Evaluating technology-supported learning [339 KB]

 Unit 10: Issues in using third party material [466 KB]

 Unit 11: Further books and resources related to educational technology [133 KB]

 Appendix 1: Sample text (online learning guidance for DE students) [99 KB]

 Appendix 2: Case study [99 KB]

 Appendix 3: Sample text (the successful online learner) [97 KB]

 Appendix 4: Sample text (Module overview) [118 KB]

 Appendix 5: Writing for online and distance learners [94 KB]

 Appendix 6: Converting WORD docs to HTML in WebCT [220 KB]

 Appendix 7: Module evaluation checklist [128 KB]

 Appendix 8: Netiquette guidelines [95 KB]

 Appendix 9: Online groupwork guidelines [100 KB]

 Appendix 10: Flaming mail management [86 KB]

 Appendix 11: Module email rules [96 KB]

 Appendix 12: Example end of course survey for tailoring and re-use [113 KB]

 Appendix 13: Online communications guidelines [83 KB]

 Glossary [218 KB]