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​My Review



Edinburgh Napier University’s strategy 2020 people commitments lead us to the design and development of My Contribution.  My Contribution contains three distinct people focused areas:

My Review – Measuring performance through achievements and behaviours aligned to the University values.

My Development – Leadership competency driven development, the collation of development needs through competencies to improve development deliverables for all staff.

My Career – Bespoke records of professional, technical records for both Academics and Professional Services staff.


My Review Purpose

The My Review process supports managers and staff in planning their workload and managing their performance. 

My Review is an on-going cycle, made up of regular conversations, an informal mid-year review meeting and a formal annual review meeting.  The purpose of the annual review meeting is to:

• Evaluate job performance over the previous 12 months.

• Discuss What and How ratings based on staff self-assessment and managers input.

• It is also possible to use this time to translate the University Corporate Plan and group/service plans into individual objectives so that every member of staff is clear about their role in delivering the plan over the next 12 months. Alternatively, new objectives can be agreed after the annual review in a separate meeting.


My Review Scope

• All full and part time staff must participate in the My Review process, comprising of an annual review and objective based work plan.

• New staff should complete objectives with their manager within the first three months of joining the University, however objective completion will be influenced by the point in the year they are joining.

• Objectives can change throughout the year. Staff should always agree updated objectives with their manager.

• The My Review process is recorded online, via HR Connect.